Sunday, October 4, 2009

Ahmadinejad The Jew?

    The Jerusalem Post has posted an amazing article proposing that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is actually of Jewish decent:
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was born a Jew and converted to Islam, Britain's Daily Telegraph reported on Saturday.  The report cited a photograph from 2008 that showed Ahmadinejad holding up his identity card, bearing his former last name, Sabourjian, a common Jewish name in Iran. The Telegraph said that the name was "Jewish" for cloth weaver, and that the Iranian president's family had changed the name when they converted to Islam. "The name derives from 'weaver of the sabour,' the name for the Jewish tallit shawl in Persia," the report said.  It also cited experts speculating that Ahmadinejad's anti-Semitic rhetoric may be a kind of overcompensation to conceal his heritage.
If this is in fact true,  it comes to no surprise.  It has been pointed out on Taming Korach:
Your ruiners and your destroyers will come from you.
Isaiah (49:17)

    This would be the biggest "break through" that could happen to this blog.   Ahmadinejad is certainly the biggest concern on Israel's mind these days.  If it is shown that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is actually "Sabourjian," a self-hating Jew, I wonder if Haaretz will then offer him a position on its writing team.  He sure fits the bill.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i don't trust converts.