Sunday, October 25, 2009

Idiot Update

    When I was in yeshiva, I remember there were many English speaking students who came from "conservative" backgrounds.  For one reason or another, they felt it necessarily to "make tsuvah," or to repent and come back to Torah Judaism.  However, over the years, after having interacted with more Jews from non-"Orthodox" backgrounds, I now understand some of the strange views that some of them held.
    Recently I came across a site posted by Barnaby Yeh, who, ironically was one of the first individuals I covered in Taming Korach.  His on-line journal assamite36 list a collection of the likes and dislikes of a liberal's champion. 
    Barnaby (and Silverstein) originally pegged me as a kind of Southern conservative Bible-Belt type.  Defying all stereotypes, I started Taming Korach.  Having recently come across Barnaby's online opinions, it jogged my memory.  Now I realize, as someone who stepped into a Conservative synagogue one time (before I was a Jew) in my life, where people like Barnaby learn their hatred for "Orthodox" or Torah Judaism and Israel.
    Looking below at the words I have boxed in red (click on the picture), being conservative means being "anti-haredi." 

Now, if you've read previous postings, you'll remember Yeh's sarcasm towards the Torah world:

Tigers do not change their stripes, and if he came from an ultra-conservative Virginian background, he’d find a home in the black-hat world.
This is the same "conservative convert" who is giving me (and others) mussar (moral chastisement) about how to be a Jew!  He is also "anti-aish."  Ironically, the Rabbi at the Orthodox synagogue he sometimes attends, sends his kids to Aish Ha-Torah.  This is simply his blind hatred towards Aish for supporting The Clarion Fund-probably a bias Barnaby picked up from his mentor in Israel-hate, Richard Silverstein.  Another testimony to Barnaby's stupidity is that Matisyahu is a baal-tsuvah and is "haredi" himself.
    Of course the profile of a would-be liberal American Jew wouldn't be complete unless:
-it lists anti-nazism (and traditionalists aren't).
-it mentions Shlomo Carlebach.  Carlebach is the accepted-by-all Jewish entertainer. 
-it mentions the word Torah.  Apparently Barnaby doesn't like Torah enough to capitalize it-or to remove all of the vulgarity and profanity from his "journal."
    Finally, I'd like to point out that Jon Stewart (Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz), who Yeh describes as "my President, but also my Secretary of State and UN Secretary General," studied at  the College of William and Mary-in Virginia.  So, his hero, like Yeh himself, was schooled by Virginia!

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