Sunday, October 11, 2009

A Lie To The Nations-The 2009 Nobel Peace Prize


    This week (Succot) has been one of surprises.  In "peace" news Barak Obama has received the Nobel Prize for Peace.  It is obvious that Norway is desperate to give Obama some steam he is missing in his efforts to bring Israel and the Arabs "closer together."

Nobel Prize On Loan
    The award given to Barak Obama, on work that he himself has not actually done, has surprised even the left.  The Jewish left, including Naomi Klein, are as shocked as the rest of us that such a prestigious award has been given out on loan.  On loan?  President Obama doesn't come close to deserving such accolades.  Perhaps his election victory was in itself worthy of such an award.  The fact that a man of mixed heritage has been elected as leader of The Melting Pot-a pot that has a history of slavery, is perhaps the most remarkable and inspiring aspect of Barak Obama's ascent to the presidency.

License To Deal
    What is the actual meaning of the Nobel Committee's choice?  It is an effort to give Obama a license to dictate to Israel what to do with its own land.  Just as Norway threw Begin and Rabin bones when they were willing to forfeit Jewish land to its neighbors, now it seeks to speed up the process by giving Obama a pat on the back for work not done.  Many people, even those I talked to on the left when I lived in Tel Aviv, are very skeptical of the Nobel Peace Prize.  After Arafat, a criminal and thug, was given this "award," people stop taking it so seriously.
Thanks to Rafi for the Gog and Magog illustration.


Justin White said...

Here is yet another Jew who didn't have the proper Torah education! Then yo get out into the world and you want only to be accepted by non-Jews, yes?

Justin White said...

Here is an interesting article on this subject:

Obama’s Nobel Prize: A blatant attempt to Europeanize US policy, Ynet, October 12, 2009