I’m going to dub Richard “The Weasel” since he “weasels” his way out of ever backing up any claim with facts yet demands just that from his opponents. He basically admits defeat here and gives up. Good one Weasel, scamper away….
I’m really not interested, Steve. You’ll have to find someone else’s ear to bend.
No one “wins” this debate. That is the fatal flaw to yr perspective. You’re trying to win the argument. You simply can’t. You can muster a million arguments for whatever pt you’re trying to make. But you’re defending the indefensible. It’s that simple. And history doesn’t allow nations like Israel or you, her defender, to “win” in matters like this.
I’m not going to respond to future e mails & if you keep replying to me I’ll place your e mail address in my spam filter.
Best of luck in convincing yrself that you & Israel are right.
My reply;
I’m really not interested, Steve. You’ll have to find someone else’s ear to bend.
-You’ve made it clear the truth doesn’t interest you.
No one “wins” this debate. That is the fatal flaw to yr perspective.
-Actually I won
You’re trying to win the argument.
-I’m trying to present the truth, which I successfully did
You simply can’t.
-I did or you wouldn’t be running away

You can muster a million arguments for whatever pt you’re trying to make.
-Arguments and facts are different things, I’ve mustered both
But you’re defending the indefensible.
-How so? You don’t explain
It’s that simple.
-Whatever you say facist
And history doesn’t allow nations like Israel or you, her defender, to “win” in matters like this.
-What doesn’t “winning” mean to you then? Prove me wrong with arguments and facts, not just emotions.
I’m not going to respond to future e mails & if you keep replying to me I’ll place your e mail address in my spam filter.
-Of course you won’t you can’t back up your claims with facts and figures (as you asked me to do an I did)
Best of luck in convincing yrself that you & Israel are right.
-Something is only right when its right. When its wrong its wrong. These are determinable sometimes, like this argument (about world bodies and Israel) and I simply am right and you simply are wrong.
The latest from the weasel;
No, Steve. I love the truth. It you that doesn’t interest me. And future e mails will be blocked & you’ll know this because your own e mail will be forwarded back to you.