Sunday, August 23, 2009

Terminate Neve Gordon

A call has been made to seek the termination of Professor Neve Gordon from his position at Ben-Gurion University. It is unacceptable, even within the boundaries of free academic expression for a citizen to call for actions that can and would cause direct harm to his country. Neve Gordon has out-stepped the boundaries of the permissible. It cannot be expected for those who support the universities in Israel to continue their generous giving when they are feeding elements within those institutions who seek to harm the very country they are seeking to fund. Calling on a boycott of Israel is the anti-thesis of the actions of the donors and has made Mr. Gordon an outcast, and rightfully so. The Anti-Self Defamation League hereby petitions the Ben-Gurion University of Israel for the immediate termination of the employment of Mr. Neve Gordon for having breached the trust of the donors of the University, the students and faculty of the University, and his fellow citizens of the State of Israel.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gordon is a traitror and sick self-hater! He should not be teaching in Ben Gurion University.