Sunday, August 9, 2009

Richard Silverstein and His Imaginary Blog Friends?

who wants to mess with a bunch of crazy Asian generals?
-Richard Silverstein
Thanks to KapoDickie-an Adventure in Jewish Self-Hatred for sharing this with us!

Dickie Gets Nailed inventing False Comments on his Own Blog Site in name of “Z Street”

Dickie gets caught red-handed!!!
Kapo Dickie, a.k.a. Richard Silverstein, runs a pro-terror anti-Semitic pro-nazi blog, on which we have long suspected that he himself posts most of the letters there agreeing with himself. He uses such clever pseudonyms as “Witty Richard” and “Hasbara Buster.” Well, a few days he posted a lurid item on his blog claiming that the leaders of the pro-Israel Z Street were leaving nasty comments on his blog in response to his infantile rantings.

Here is what Dickie alleges:

Is it any wonder that after I wrote my first post ridiculing Z Street that this sort of garbage graced by spam filter:
Z Streetzstreet@hotmail.com66.45.240.66
on 2009/08/05
at 7:04am
We at Z Street are offering for sale Richard Silverstein’s foreskin with his penis still attached. It is our way of saying thanks to all those who support our now campaign against treason and self-hatred.”

Now there is only one little problem with this. The “Z Street” email address Dickie claims was used turns out to be located in Redmond, Washington! And guess who lives right there or very close to that! None other than Kapo Dickie himself! In fact Dickie has posted sets of moronic photographs that he took in none other than Redmond Washington. Go here and here to see them.

So the world now has proof that Silverstein is simply inventing the personas who supposedly leave comments on his pathetic little blog, all to get himself some attention!
In other news:
Saturday, 8 August 2009
KapoDickie blog catches anti-Z Street fraudster Silverstein

Richard Silverstein, if that is his real name, is amongst the worst of the anti-Semitic, anti-Israel, Holocaust deniers in the blogosphere among so-called progressive anti-Zionist Jews. His blog “Tikkun Olam” is the 21st Century equivalent of the scurrilous Nazi era anti-semitic newspaper , Der Sturmer with its lurid racist caricatures of Jews, published by the infamous Julius Streicher.

The Infamous David Duke publishes Silverstein’s hate-filled screed, read here. Listen to Duke quoting Silverstein, here.

Silverstein gets away with it on the blogosphere under the protection of First Amendment Free Speech.

Silverstein has been embroiled in a nasty libel defamation case involving Southern Californian Israeli American activist and journalist Rachel Neuwirth. Neuwirth won an important California appellate court decision earlier this year against Silverstein and former MESA President, Professor Joel Beinin of Stanford University. Silverstein calls Neuwirth a “cyber bully”. Beinin had falsely accused Neuwirth of a ‘death threat.’ A hearing on the libel defamation matter is to be held in the Santa Monica California district court early next week. You may read about the Neuwirth successful California appellate court decision against Silverstein and Beinin in this Family Security Matters article by Neuwirth,”California Court Delivers a ‘Slapp’ in the Face to Civil Public Discourse.”
Others who have given the treatment by Silverstein include Mort Klein of the ZoA, Daniel Pipes and even Thomas Friedman, New York Times columnist. One who comes in for particular scorn is David Yerushalmi, a litigator active in the pro-bono fight against Sharia in America. Silverstein calls Yerushalmi a “devout Jewish fascist.”
Now Silverstein is embroiled in a nasty bit of anti-Semtic internet false flagging in an attack on Z Street, the newly formed pro-Zionist group that appears to be gaining interest and some ‘mojo’.

The blog KapoDickie has unveiled the latest nefarious attack by Silverstein. It characterize him as:

Richard Silverstein, better known as “Little Dickie Kapostein” throughout the Jewish internet, is an unemployed cheerleader for Islamofascist terror. He endorses Holocaust Deniers and Neo-Nazis. He wants to see the Jews of Israel murdered. He supports anti-Jewish terrorist attacks.
Note the absurd lengths to which Silverstein has gone in attacking Z Street.
Kapo Dickie, a.k.a. Richard Silverstein, runs a pro-terror anti-Semitic pro-nazi blog, on which we have long suspected that he himself posts most of the letters there agreeing with himself. He uses such clever pseudonyms as “Witty Richard” and “Hasbara Buster.” Well, a few days ago he posted a lurid item on his blog claiming that the leaders of the pro-Israel Z Street were leaving nasty comments on his blog in response to his infantile rantings.
Here is what Dickie alleges:
Is it any wonder that after I wrote my first post ridiculing Z Street that this sort of garbage graced by spam filter:
Z Streetzstreet@hotmail.com66.45.240.66
on 2009/08/05
at 7:04am
We at Z Street are offering for sale Richard Silverstein’s foreskin with his penis still attached. It is our way of saying thanks to all
those who support our now campaign against treason and self-hatred.”

Now there is only one little problem with this. The “Z Street” email address Dickie claims was used turns out to be located in Redmond, Washington! And guess who lives right there or very close to that! None other than Kapo Dickie himself!

So the world now has proof that Silverstein is simply inventing the personas who supposedly leave comments on his pathetic little blog, all to get himself some attention!

Perhaps the Santa Monica District court hearing next week that will pit Jewish Zionist Neuwirth against anti-Zionist progressive Jews, Silverstein and Beinin, may result in the better ideas besting the worst ones promoted by these self-hating bloggers and academics. Certainly an apology and striking of Silverstein’s libelous defamatory comments from the blogosphere would be a start. Prying his fingers loose from his keyboard, that is another matter entirely.


Anonymous said...

You should check this out too:

Anonymous said...

This might interest you

1. Tikkun _O.html


3. 1.html

4. /

Anonymous said...

Give Silverstein hell! He is despicable!

Anonymous said...

Silverstein is an infantile child with issues with his own parents (you saw how he claims falsely they abused him?), desperate for any attention. As far as I know, he is a stay-at-home Dad, since his wife is some sort of lawyer who brings home the bacon. And in his case it probably really is bacon. He knows nothing at all about Judaism.