Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Rachel Neuwirth Defeats Silverstein In Court

taken from KapoDickie - an Adventure in Jewish Self-Hatred

Richard Silverstein declared Libeler by California Court - Gets Clobbered by Rachel Neuwirth!

Breaking News:

Little Dickie just lost his diaper in the California Second Appelate Court! He and jihanik-professor Joel Beinin had been sued by the heroic Rachel Neuwirth, best known for successfully suing the gotkes off of the violent hooligan pseudo-rabbi Chaim Seidler Feller in court. She had lost the first round to Dickie and Beinin, but now the appeals court overturned that ruling and found in Neuwirth's favor. The court holds Silverstein to be a pathetic liar, smearster, and libeler!! Little Dickie will be paying valiant Rachel significant amounts in damages!

Dickie had smeared Neuwirth and others as "Kahanist swine" simply because he disagrees with their opinions. Beinin had falsely claimed that Neuwirth had threatened his life.

We have long known that Dickie's pants are on fire, but now a California court has made it official!
The ruling was the unanimous decision of judges Woods, Zelon and Jackson.
UPDATE (3/3/09) The Dickling loses his appeal in California court. Dickie appealed his earlier loss to Neuwirth in the California appeals court and got shot down. For details, go here.
We quote:
'(Signed Unpublished)The judgment in favor of Silverstein and Beinin and order
granting their special motions to strike are reversed. The matter is remanded to
the trial court with instructions to enter a new and different order granting
Silverstein's motion as to the second cause of action only, denying
Silverstein's motion as to the first cause of action and denying Beinin's motion
as to the second cause of action. As to the second cause of action only,
Silverstein is entitled to his costs and attorneys' fees pursuant to section
425.16, subdivision (c). As to the first cause of action agaisnt Silverstein and
the second cause of action against Beinin, Neuwirth is entitled to her costs on
appeal./14 pgs/WZJ.'

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