Tuesday, December 9, 2008

B.BarNavi: The Adventures Continue

ASDL has been using various aliases on Richard Silverstein anti-Jewish blog. Here are the results when Richard and his sidekick, Barnacle (B.BarNavi) found out!

On December 4th, 2008 at 10:33 pm
Richard Silverstein said:

@Justin White: You are one sad puppy Justin. In the comment threads here you assume the real name of a friend, B.Y. (or ‘Devil’s Advocate’ or ‘Red-Hand’ other fake handles) and write comments in his name.

Two MAJOR violations of comment rules there, Justin. So you’re banned. And since I’ve also banned you as Justin White, as soon as I discover any new fake IDs you use you’ll be banned under those as well.
Everything you seem to accuse other people of, you are yourself guilty of. You are a fool Richard-add that to your list of faults!
B.BarNavi said: (to ASDL)
“Barnaby”: Instead of being out front with your opinions as yourself, you had to cower behind my own name. Do you have a reason for doing this? Oh wait - we’ll never know because you’ve been BANNINATED. Door, @ss, and way out, and all that.
On December 9th, 2008 at 5:39 pm
ASDL said:


“Instead of being out front with your opinions as yourself, you had to cower behind my own name.”
Barnacle-you have my email but I don’t hear from you! Who is the coward? Also, how about answering to this:
“Ger Tzedek”-not quite!
“Neo-Sephardi”-what the hell is Neo-Sephardi? If Sefardic Jews in Israel knew you were writing leftist hate in their name, they tear you limb from limb! You are confused!
“Halachically progressive”-Is this the “progressive” way to say you don’t keep Shabbat?

Did Rabbi Brenda NOT tell you that the messianic idea comes from Judaism? Do you all not believe that mashiach will come? Is mashiach not progressive enough for you?

“our way is the only way”
It appears that, just like your mentor, Richard, you also have the same attitude as those you accuse-not so open-minded as you proclaim to be.

“He and I are worlds apart in terms of ideology.”
I think we are worlds apart in terms of religion.
from: Truth or Bias: Israel in the media

The U.S. media has no sympathy when it comes to Palestinian casualties of Israeli actions. Often, you hear(and rightly so) of Palestinian bus bombs killing many Israelis, but there's absolutely zero mention of innocent Palestinians dying as a result of Israeli military reaction. Any casualty is simply dismissed as "terrorist," whether this is true or not. As for Israeli incursions into Palestinian residences, there is little to no mention. If there is, the innocent victims of such operations are deemed terrorists.
Barnaby Yeh, Gaithersburg, MD, United States of America

This person sounds like the spokesman for the PLO! Would you believe this guy identifies with the Jewish people? Here we are with the Arabs engaged in a life and death struggle, and someone who has "converted" to Judaism is pleading the case for the Arabs! This is all the fault of the "reform" and "conservative" movements for not sifting out people like this.
In Response to "Justin White Threatens Me"

On December 19th, 2008 at 8:05 am
B.BarNavi said:

A smarter person would have used the word “committed” instead of one with such violent connotations.

ASDL: Wouldn't a smarter person have studied Torah from original sources and not from heretics? Wouldn't a smarter person know not to challenge people who know more than he does? Richard knows exactly what that word means-he is playing games just like you are! If I saw you in person you would be the same coward you are on the internet. You write things about me but never to me. What are you hiding from? Me?

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