Thursday, July 16, 2009

Introducing Amram-Secular Leftist Zionist

I have a very close friend who was born in 1953. His parents are Lithuanian Holocaust survivors and I have had many discussions with him about Israel and Judaism. Here is a recent discussion:
look up what amnesty international has to say about israel and hamas. israel and hamas are the opposit sides of the same coin. both don't give shit about civilians. and don't give me the crap that the arabs have started the problem. because it's zionism which is the cause. after 2000 years and the promise we will return after the f-g messiah comes and than we change the rules of the game and expect the other side to comply is simply arrogance. and that the arabs didn't agree to a decision of the UN in 47, so what? how do the israelis say about the UN - UM Shmum. if america wouldn't veto all decisions against israel peace would be here to stay. but no, jews believe to be the better people, after all we are the chosen ones, we are closer to god than anybody else. we don't have to think how to get along with other people. the other have to think how to get along with us! no wonder people hate us all over the world. if there is anti semitism it is also because the behaviour of jews. you f-g arrogant shit.
Taming Korach
And Muslim and Christians don't think they are right? Only Jews have to justify their religion? Namely, only Orthodox Jews? Naaah! If Zionism is so wrong, then why did secular Europeans like yourself instigate it? All of sudden you backtrack and say it's wrong? You have the explaining to do..


Anonymous said...

you still have not answered my question. fact is there are about 1,2 million arabs with israeli citizenship and about 2.5-3 mill palestinians. how do you propose we should live with them?

Justin White said...

There is no choice..apparently they aren't going anywhere. However if they attack the citizens of Israel, then they cannot remain as our neighbors.

Anonymous said...

"....if they attack us they can't remain as our neighbors."
what do you suggest should happen with them. after 40 and more years of hardship for the palestinians they are still here. how do you want to get rid of them. because if they remain our neighbors we still got the problem with them. and we still formulate in a mist!

Justin White said...

You aren't answering the question-the Arabs (some) want us out of here, and you don't question them. Your comment is not so relevant because the other side does necessarily feel that we have a right to be here. You can't negotiate with people who are aiming for your destruction. If the Arabs stay where they are and don't commit any crimes-what would Israel do? Nothing! We would have no alternative but to sit back and watch them takeover. So how are we supposed to respond in light of the fact they they do not sit back quietly?

Anonymous said...

would yo sit back if the situation would be vise verca?
or do you expect the palestinians to be like the jews in all the times as slaves and oppressed? we let it happento us, it wass gods will. why aren't the palestinians like us? What they are fighting back? the don't agree to the decisions of the UN? bad people, while we israelis are always do what the UN tells us to do. UM - Shmum, as Ben gurion or his wife or both of them used to say.
our luck is that the USA always vetoes the decisions of the UN.
and than you wonder why the arab world and with them the muslims of the world feel a certain animosity towards the socalled free world. so in short they hate us jews. and they have enough reason to believe their fight against the west is justified. the animosities go back much longer than zionism.
throughout history this land was cuonquered by europeans. the greeks, romans, the crusaders, in the 19th century britan and france. 1916 the sykes-piquet talks and then the americans also entered the picture. and the zionists- mostly europeans, sorry about it!- and then the UN in 1947 and then the inconsistancies of the american government. they say something and mean something else or nothing at all. and you expect the palestiniens to sit tight and wait for another 40 or 50 or hundred years.
to maintain tight security for such a long time means inevitably more trouble with people suffering on both sides.
so how do we solve the problem?
do we learn how to live with them, because they will remain our neighbors or how do you want to get rid of the 4 million arabs who live under jewish jurisdiction?
answer me this simple question!