Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Rabbi Shlomo Amar: The Sephardic Soul Not For Sale

According to the Jerusalem Post, the Chief Sephardic Rabbi Shlomo Amar שליט"א has stated in a letter to Orthodox Jewish leaders in the USA:
"We ask you to take advantage of your strength and power to influence the authorities in the US, that they should examine the issue with truly democratic criteria and to take into consideration the Torah and the Halacha that obligate Jews to settle everywhere."
In one statement Rabbi Amar, whom I have had the privilege to meet on several occasions, has shown the difference between a real Sephardic Torah scholar and the conniving European leftovers whose likes are displayed on the Wall of Shame on the left. Rabbi Amar, like Rav Ovadya שליט"א demonstrates that the Sephardic Jew, who loves the Land of Israel חיבת ציון cannot be bought and sold-his love of Judaism is non-negotiable. For those of you who have read the comments section on the article Not So Soft Bigotry (Harry Maryles' blog Emes Ve-Emunah), it is apparent that there are Jews who do not appreciate the special role that Sephardic Jews have played in shaping the mankind's view of monotheism. Now is their opportunity to appreciate, full-throttle.

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