Monday, July 20, 2009

Naomi Klein: A Jewish Soul Yearns

In Hatikva, the anthem of the State of Israel, it is written:
A Jewish soul yearns
נפש יהודי הומיה
These words, describing the Jew in this 2000+ exile, aptly describe most, if not all Jews living outside (and inside) Israel before 1948, and perhaps even currently. Such is the case with Naomi Klein. Her talents are swirling around every en vogue subject matter on planet earth-the economy, globalization, the underprivileged-under powered, the State of Israel, ect. She appears on talk show after talk show debate and presenting her ideas-and selling her books. However, perhaps the phenomena we are actually seeing here is simply a Jew in the exile who is clinging to every ideology except her own-Judaism.
Klein's book, The Shock Doctrine, as she describes it discusses the behavior of the public (and its leadership) during a crises. However, during the recent war with Gaza, where Israeli citizens "inside the Green Line" were systematically attacked by neighboring Gazans-even after the withdraw of Israelis from the Strip (the ethnic cleansing of Gaza). Is this yet another case of a secular Jew who simply doesn't understand the dynamics of the problems in Israel? Another Zohan?

She stated in a recent conference in Ramallah:

There is a debate among Jews-I'm a Jew by the way,
By the way-you spend all of your time and resources pandering to the gentile elite-do you know anything about Torah Judaism? Is that even a phrase you recognize? Are we who have chosen to slug in out in Israel doomed to be judged by an increasingly ignorant Diaspora intelligentsia? Ms. Klein showed up to this meeting of what Haaretz called "Ramallah's intellectual elite." Run that by me again? Is there even an intelligent person in Ramallah? Haaretz isn't fooling this blogger! Is that elite carpetbagging European Jews who have come to express solidarity with the other side, while remaining absolutely ignorant of their own religion and heritage? Klein manages to brush off her brazen, pompous show-of-ignorance by proclaiming the excuse every other Jewish Tikun-Olamer has used: "I am Jew." Daniel Pearl was forced to face this realization, as do the Israelis living near Gaza. However, we should hope that Naomi Klein's proclamation will be followed by a return to her nation and not by an endorsement of some petty boycott aimed at punishing Jews for defending themselves in their own land. After all, Israel is the only country in the world that will accept a Jew, like Klein, with no preconditions-other than her being a Jew. "Palestine" certainly won't.
update September 2009:
The Dungeon Master Richard Silverstein has penned a recent article about the Klein and her boycott efforts.  My response can seen under the name "eathummus."

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