Saturday, July 18, 2009

Felicia Langer-Old Fashion German Schadenfreude?

Anyone who has spent time studying languages knows that it is really the language of a nation that defines its character. There is a "wonderful" German word called schadenfreude. Roughly translating it means "malicious joy" or "gloating." As you can see right away-this word is uniquely German. Germany has recently taken schadenfreude to a higher level. Felicia Langer, a Polish born (1930) Israeli lawyer who left Israel for Germany in 1990 has been awarded the Federal Cross of Merit.

Ms. Langer, who apparently never Hebraized her name, has found a home in the most famous kosher slaughter-house in the world-Germany. Perhaps a Hebrew name is not fitting for a woman who just accepted an award which has an enormous cross on it. So how does schadenfreude play a part in this? For one thing, looking at her web site:
In 1947 she met her future husband Mieciu Langer, a survivor of five Nazi con-centration camps. In 1949 the young couple married, and in 1950 they emigrated to Israel to join Felicia’s mother.

The proper spelling of concentration camp is not con-centration camp! A con is something phony, a put on, a fake! So here, purposely or intentionally, Langer is calling the Nazi concentration camps a fake! Perhaps that's why she apparently praised Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's attitude towards Israel. According to her site, she herself thinks the concentration camps were a fake-that is her own wording. So is it her schadenfreude in receiving this award or Horst Köhler's in "awarding" it to her?
Update: Apparently, several Jewish recipients of this award are threatening to return it in light of Langer's having been given it.


Justin White said...

"because of a misspelling"
If she was a non-Jew, she never would have gotten away with it without being chastised, right? Be honest! Why is the rest of the article written properly, but not that word?

"if what's your masruhi friends tell is true and the shoa happened because of the itbolelut"
Quoting a book called Wake Up!, published by a Rabbi at Ohr Sameach Yeshiva (Anglo Ashkenazi):
The Imrei Emes said that the Holocaust did not strike Sefardic communities because they guarded the Kedushah of Shuls and Batei Medrash and did not talk idly there.

Kedushas beis ha'Keneses p.5

"than what did your masruhi friends do to anger god so they have now thos cursed kassam rockets?"
Maybe it was their punishment for having politicians above them who think like the people on the "Wall Of Shame."

"your arrogant masruhi rabies"
Is anyone who disagrees with you arrogant? Who needs an accounting of the soul? Them or you?

"god told me personaly that you and your friends are in his eyes faggots and assholes!"
It takes one to know one! Aren't you my friend?

Anonymous said...

i'm not your friend, i'm your master and guru. and i tell you the way you have chosen is the wrong way. the right way is to turn away from judaism and the jews and become a human being

Anonymous said...

If you don't believe in me you will go to hell for eternity. where you will suffer for eternity. but god loves you. god doesn't care about us humans. god gave us all the tools to live in peace and harmony and we don't do it. why? because of stupid books like the thora, the koran, the new testament and people like you who take everything literally what is written in those fairy tales compilations.

Justin White said...

Read all the material you have put here..also all of the emails you have written to me in the past years about these subjects! You are the most interested! You are just angry because I criticize another lost German-Jew like you!

Anonymous said...

Felicia Langer - profoundly ignorant idiot and islamofascist prostitute.

Starting in 1948 from very first day of recreation of the State of Israel on the part of Israel territory, Arab countries waged several wars to eliminate Israel from her historic land. Israel won all wars and now Arab countries propose a peace agreement with Israel under conditions, which they intended to dictate. However, only Israel, who won all the wars and defeated Arab countries, has legal rights to formulate and dictate peace agreement terms and conditions, which, in general, shell include the following provisions:

1. Palestinian muslims must compensate Jews for damages caused by Jews massacres (actually, it was Holocaust) conducted in Palestine in 1920s-1930s under British administration supervision, for providing Hitler with idea of Final Solution and for taking active part in implementing the idea in Europe.
2. Arab countries must compensate Israel for damages inflicted on Israel during wars launched by Arab countries.
3. Arab countries must compensate several million Jews expelled from Arab countries between 1948 and 1953, where they lived for centuries, for violation of international law and stilling Jewish properties.
4. Arab countries must recognize Article 24 of the 1964 PLO charter addressed to UN, which stipulates: “Palestinian muslims do not claim Judea and Samaria (West Bank) and Gaza their territories”.
5. Arab countries must comply with Geneva Convention, which recognizes Israel rights on Gaza, Judea and Samaria, historic Jewish land liberated by Israel in 1967 war from Jordan and Egypt occupation.
6. Arab countries must recognize Jerusalem as historic Israel capital.
7. Egypt and Jordan are obligated to relocate Palestinian muslims (their former citizens) from Gaza (Egypt), Judea and Samaria (Jordan) inside their territories within 1 (negotiable) year term.
8. Arab countries have no right to develop or acquire WMD or weapon that can be used against Israel.

If any Arab country denies this peace terms and conditions, Israel has full legal rights for preemptive strike against this country using all available military power. All islamofascism organizations operating on Israel territory occupied by Palestinian muslims, such as PLO&Fatah (created after WWII on the principles of Hitler’s ideology and with close ties to Nazi party), Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Al Agsa Brigade, must be totally, unconditionally and immediately exterminated. All other Palestinian muslims must be expelled from Israel back to the countries of their origin.

Mark Bernadiner, PH.D.

Justin White said...

"Felicia Langer-profoundly ignorant idiot"

This is the tragedy of what happened to Jewish education in Europe, pre- and post-Holocaust. The reform-izing of Judaism only set the stage for Jews like this to spend their lives defending those whose aim is to cause harm to other Jews. She really thinks what she does is right, too! Thanks for the info, Mark!