Saturday, October 11, 2008

Responding to the comments of B.BarNavi from

Apparently Barnacle has the courage to attack when he wants to but not the courage to defend himself?
B.BarNavi said:
"Next time he shows up for a seder in this area, I B”N have got such words for him!"

Taming Korach:

Do you really want to confront me? You sound like the Asian Rambo defending his territory. I've been coming to Maryland since you were a child-I am not going to be impeded by someone like you.
B.BarNavi said:
"Haw haw, he was made into a tag."

Taming Korach: 
Perhaps they don't tell you this at JTS but a tag תג is actually the crown that is written above Hebrew letters in a Sefer Torah. Not sure in what since you meant that. Thanks for the compliment!
B.BarNavi said:
"you have clearly lost your Helek in the World to Come"

Taming Korach:
You haven't secured your own place amongst the Nation Of Israel and you have already determined my fate? When I was at your position, I was studying and listening furiously-not challenging people who know more than I did.
Ruth went with Israel at a time when it was not comfortable to do so. Orpah turned her back on the Jews because it was "going with the grain." Orpah's descendant Goliath fell to Ruth's descendant David:
Sotah 42b:
These four were born to Harafah in Gath; and they fell by the hand of David, and by the hand of his servants.18 Who were they? — R. Hisda said: Saph, Madon, Goliath and Ishbi-benob.19 ‘And they fell by the hand of David, and by the hand of his servants’, as it is written: And Orpah kissed her mother-in-law, but Ruth clave unto her.20 R. Isaac said: The Holy One, blessed be He, spake, May the sons of the one who kissed21 come and fall by the hand of the sons of the one who clave.

(18) II Sam. XXI, 22.
(19) V. ibid. 18, 20 (translated a man of great stature), 19 and 16.
(20) Ruth I, 14.
(21) Goliath and his brothers were sons of Orpah who is identified with Naomi's daughter-in-law.
On October 7th, 2008
I’ve had the displeasure of knowing this man, Tzadok. He knows me as Baruch. 

Taming Korach: 

    Barnacle the last thing I remember you telling me was that you wish you could be me-you said it in front of everyone at the synagogue.   Apparently you took pleasure in knowing me at that moment.    I remember when I gave you factual information about Judaism and Israel and you just kind of stared in a daze like "huh."  If fact, you often have that kind of daze!
    Now, as a "conservative convert" you are posting comments on blogs attacking Israel, its lands, and people who are frantically trying to defend these lands (and dying to do so).    I think I made my point about your chosen affiliation.
B.BarNavi said:
"Tell me, Tzadok (Sadducee),..."

Taming Korach:
    This is a very feeble attempt at a cheap shot. It is a great irony because in actuality, you are supporting the side of the צדוקים by arguing against Rabbinical Judaism. I am in hot water for defending it! You and Silverstein are the צדוקים, unfortunately.
On October 7th, 2008
B.BarNavi said:

I hope our friend realizes that:

1. Oppressing a convert is an issur d’Oraita. No matter what strain the convert is from.
2. Sephardic minhag owes a lot to Arab/Muslim influence. As a Sephardi myself, I’m not sure he recognizes the irony in that.
3. Claiming “we are the true Jews!” has probably been more of a Litvish than a Sephardi thing. Also of note is that too many Sephardim are emulating the dominant Litvish Ashkenazic model, in that they are becoming religiously and politically RIGHT-WING (instead of liberal as he claims).

Taming Korach: 
1. You are not a convert-you are not given aliyot at real synagogues so I am not the only one who thinks so. If you want to give me a lecture on what is forbidden in the Torah, why did you join a movement that says it is permissible to break Shabbat regularly? Sefardic Jews don't hate themselves.
2. You! Sefardic? Come here to Israel-Sefardic central and spout the leftist crap you are telling me and see how far you get. I hinted that to you once and you gave me one of your dazed stares. Why do you think I dislike Arabs? So stereotypical of leftists. All of the major halachic authorities were Mizrachi : from the Misha to Gemara to Rambam to Maran-all Jews follow Sephardic halacha.
3. What do you know about Litvush? Both of the Rabbanim who converted me are descended from the Vilna Gaon. I don't need someone like you to give me a lecture about Judaism. Sefaradim were and still are at the base of the right-wing in Israel. Who do you think the mass of Rav Kahane's supporters were? Boy, you are way, way off-you need some more years under your belt before you tangle with me...

Rav Ovadya שליט"א: Sefardic Tefilah most original

שו"ת יחווה דעת חלק ג סימן ו
שאלה: בטבריה עילית הוקם בית כנסת חדש לתושבי השכונה, כל המתפללים הם יוצאי צפון אפריקה, ורוב הצבור דורש להתפלל בנוסח הספרדי המקובל עלינו מדור דור, אלא שקבוצת צעירים רוצים להתפלל בנוסח אחיד הנהוג בצה"ל, הקרוב לנוסח אשכנז, ורוב הצבור מתנגד לכך. נא להורות לנו הלכה למעשה בנידון זה.

תשובה: בהגהות מיימוני (בסדר תפלות כל השנה אות ח') כתב בזו הלשון: איתא בירושלמי עירובין (סוף פרק ג'): שלח להם רבי יוסי, אף על פי ששלחנו לכם סדר מועדות, כלומר תפלות המועדים, אל תשנו ממנהג אבותיכם נוחי נפש. והובא להלכה במגן אברהם (סימן ס"ח סק"א), ובחק יעקב (סימן תפ"ט ס"ק י"א), ובשו"ת שמש צדקה (חלק אורח חיים סימן כ"ג) ועוד. ולפי זה אין ספק שהצדק עם רוב הצבור הדורש להתפלל בנוסח הספרדי המקובל מדורי דורות, ואין להם לשנות מנוסח התפלה של אבותיהם, שעל זה נאמר אל תטוש תורת אמך. ובספר מעבר יבוק (בקונטרס שפתי צדק פרק ל"א) כתב: הנה לכל אחד משנים עשר שבטי ישראל יש חלון אחד ברקיע כפי בחינת נשמת שבטו, אשר דרכו נכנסת תפלתו, ולכן אין לשנות מטבע נוסח תפלתו ממה שלימדוהו אבותיו, שכל המשנה ידו על התחתונה, ואין ללמוד ממקצת בני הדור האחרון ששינו נוסח תפלתם, שאין ללמוד הלכה מפי בני אדם שלא הגיעו להוראה. וכבר אמרו בירושלמי, שלח להם רבי יוסי, אף על פי ששלחנו לכם סדר תפלות, אל תשנו ממנהג אבותיכם ע"כ. ודברי המעבר יבוק מיוסדים על אדני פז, בדברי רבינו האר"י ז"ל בשער הכוונות (דף נ' ע"ד) שכתב: בעיקר המנהגים בנוסח הברכות והתפלות וסדריהם, רבים השינויים בין מנהג ספרד ובין מנהג אשכנז וכיוצא בהם, וקבלה בידינו שיש ברקיע י"ב חלונות כנגד י"ב שבטי ישראל, וכל שבט ושבט עולה תפלתו דרך שער אחד המיוחד לו, והוא סוד שנים עשר שערים הנזכרים בסוף ספר יחזקאל, והנה אין ספק שאילו היה נוסח של תפלות כל השבטים שוה, לא היה צורך לי"ב שערים, אלא ודאי שמכיון שנוסח תפלותיהם שונה זה מזה, לכן צריך שער מיוחד לכל שבט ושבט, ולכן על כל אחד להחזיק בנוסח וסדר תפלתו כמנהג אבותיו, לא יטה מהם ימין ושמאל, ואם ישנה ממנהג אבותיו בשינוי הנוסח, או להקדים ברוך שאמר להודו, וכיוצא בזה, אין תפלתו עולה למעלה ע"כ. ומרן החיד"א בספר עבודת הקודש (קשר גודל סימן י"ב אות ט') כתב בזו הלשון: קבלנו מרבינו האר"י ז"ל, שבמנהגי שרשי התפלות ונוסחתם, אין לשנות מהמנהג הקדום, כי י"ב שערים ברקיע כנגד י"ב שבטים, ותפלת כל שבט עולה דרך שער המיוחד לאותו השבט, אבל תפלת נוסח הספרדים עולה בכל אחד משנים עשר שערים ע"כ. וכן הובא בשלמי צבור (דף ק"ח סק"ב). נמצא שלדעת רבינו האר"י, אף על פי שמותר לאשכנזים לשנות לנוסח ספרד, - ורבינו האר"י עצמו שהיה אשכנזי, עשה מעשה רב והתפלל בנוסח הספרדים, כמבואר בשער הכוונות, - מכל מקום אין לספרדים לשנות נוסחתם למנהג אשכנז. וכן מבואר עוד בשו"ת יוסף אומץ (סימן כ'). וכן כתב הגאון רבי חיים פלאג'י בשו"ת לב חיים חלק ב' (סימן ט'). וראה עוד בשו"ת חתם סופר (חלק או"ח סימן ט"ו). ובשו"ת מהר"ם שיק (חאו"ח סימן מ"ג). ובשו"ת דברי חיים מצאנז חלק ב' (חלק אורח חיים סימן י"ח) ע"ש. ובשו"ת לבושי מרדכי תליתאה (חלק אורח חיים סימן י'), נשאל אודות קהל מיוצאי ספרד שהיו נוהגים להתפלל בבית הכנסת המרכזי של העיר שנהגו להתפלל שם בנוסח אשכנז, ואחר כך נפרדו הספרדים והלכו להתפלל בבית המדרש בנוסח הספרדים וכמנהג אבותיהם, והרב מרא דאתרא לא היה נוח לו בזה, משום ברוב עם הדרת מלך, והשיב, שמכיון שהספרדים אינם רשאים לשנות ממנהג אבותיהם, צריך לאפשר לתת להם מקום להתפלל כמנהג אבותיהם, ואין בזה משום ברוב עם הדרת מלך, שאדרבה אם מתפללים בנוסחאות שונות בבית כנסת אחת, יש בזה משום לא תתגודדו ע"ש. ובשו"ת מהרש"ם חלק ג' (סימן קס"ב) תמך יסודות תשובתו על דברי המהרשד"ם (חלק אורח חיים סימן ל"ה), שנוסח הספרדים בתפלה הוא העיקר, וכתב, שלכן גם מי שמנהג אבותיו להתפלל בנוסח אשכנז, רשאי לשנות מנהגו להתפלל בנוסח ספרד שהוא הנוסח המשובח והצח, ושכן העלה הגאון מצאנז בשו"ת דברי חיים חלק ב' (חלק אורח חיים סימן ח') ע"ש. וידוע מעשה רב שהובא בספר צרור החיים (דף נ"ח ע"ד), שהגאון רבי נתן אדלר זצ"ל, היה מתפלל במנין שלו בפרנקפורט במבטא ספרדי, ובנוסח הספרדים, והזמין לשם כך מירושלים חכם אחד ספרדי, ולמד ממנו את המבטא הספרדי המדוייק והנכון. וכן כתב בספר דרך הנשר (דף מ"ה ע"א). והוסיף, שאותו חכם שלימד את הגאון רבי נתן אדלר להתפלל במבטא ספרדי, הוא הגאון רבי חיים מודעי, מחבר שו"ת חיים לעולם ע"ש. ובשו"ת מהר"ם שיק (חלק חשן משפט סימן כד) כתב, שאף על פי שכתב המגן אברהם (סימן ס"ח) שאין לשנות ממנהג אבותיו בתפלה, מכל מקום מי שנפשו חשקה להתפלל בנוסח ספרד הרשות בידו, ומעשים בכל יום שאנשים רבים החפצים להתפלל בנוסח האר"י, עושים להם מנין בפני עצמם, ואין מי שימחה בידם, שיש להם על מה שיסמוכו. ומצינו בחובת הלבבות שכתב, שלכל מצוה שאדם מוצא בנפשו חשק לעשותה, בודאי שיש לנשמתו שייכות לאותה מצוה ביותר, וכמו שנאמר מה' מצעדי גבר כוננו ודרכו יחפץ, ר"ל שהשי"ת נותן בנפשו החפץ למעשה הטוב ההוא כפי שרש נשמתו ע"ש. וראה עוד בשו"ת קרן לדוד (סימן י"ט), ובשו"ת מנחת אלעזר חלק א' (סימן י"א), ובשו"ת מהר"ם בריסק חלק ב' (סימן כ"ח), ובשו"ת זכרון יהודה גרינוואלד (חלק אורח חיים סימן ט"ו) ע"ש.
Tigers do not change their stripes, and if he came from an ultra-conservative Virginian background, he’d find a home in the black-hat world.

Taming Korach:
Barnacle: Virginia is a little like the Dukes of Hazard but it's better than a self-hate symphony! The first settlement in the USA was in Virginia. Virginia has produced more presidents than any other state. Fairfax and Loudoun have the two highest per household incomes in the country. Can Maryland say that? With your black-hat comment: Again, you are absolutely desperate to categorize me, based on not knowing virtually any Torah-which confirms how stupid your teachers must have been! Most Sefardic Jews here follow Rav Ovadya שליט"א, whether they are black-hat or not-but you never bothered to check on that, eh? Your presumtuous comments suggest you are desperate to put me on the defensive, even though you have no factually correct knowledge.

or mentally out of the Pennsyltucky of your background,...

Taming Korach:
My mother's family came to Philadelphia, the USA's first capital, in the 1740's. I'm not sure where you get off slighting me like this. I don't remember what ethnicity you are, but in any case it just shows I am dealing with a small and habitually petty individual. You are a waste of time...

  1. On October 11th, 2008 at 5:26 pm
    B.BarNavi said:
    There’s a line between concern for your own people and being outright paranoid/hateful.
    And who said there was anything as “suicidal peace”? A rational being would see that aggressive territorial policies contribute more to Arab violence than anything else. A realist would know how to balance survival of the Jewish State with territorial dominance. That some people fail to see that is simply pathetic.
  2. On October 11th, 2008 at 5:29 pm
    B.BarNavi said:
    Also, right-wing militaristic tendencies tend to run in Orthodox circles, but is by no means in the mainstream! Believe me, as someone who hangs out in Orthodox circles, this is FAR from the norm!
Taming Korach:
The Arabs will continue to reproduce quickly and so will Haredim להבדיל-other groups including people like Richard and B.Barnavi will be left in the cold-you aren't seeing this? Barnacle-have you even been to Israel? You make these decisive comments about a country you see to know nothing about!


B.BarNavi said...

Shavua tov,

From an alleged talmid hacham, I'd certainly expect a more scholarly response, and not some "I know you are but what am I" drivel!

1. YET. Though my conversion may not be recognized by "authentic" Judaism, I am still part of the Jewish community as much as you were before you did mikvah. If I were converted by R' J.M. tomorrow, would you have the same dismissive attitude?
2. So when you called Richard Silverstein a "leftist Arab lover", it was not with contempt for the people you claim he loves so much? Rambam himself brought a huge emphasis on incorporeality of HQB"H - something not very emphasized in Jewish tradition beforehand, but is bar none an Islamic precept!
3. My Rav may not have been descended from the GR"A (he is a K"Tz, rendering any descent from the Gaon less probable), but he is definitely one of his admirers. The fact that you were converted by Litvaks (but followed Sephardic minhag, which is technically assur) probably reflects your absolutism. I should also mention that the Hatam Sofer (one of the forerunners of "my way or the highway" Judaism) was NOT Lithuanian, but his particular philosophy was particularly influential on Eastern European yeshivot.

Instead of these dismissive comments (and calling unlisted numbers, which is so very low), why don't you give ME a lecture on what Judaism IS? Not "is supposed to be", or "what you'd like it to be", WHAT IT IS. The simple thing is that you can't. Not due to ability to describe, but simply because Jewish history has been so complex that you can't just tell anyone "what it is".

Hag Sameah,
Barnacle (Love that. Never been called that before.)

Anonymous said...

"If I were converted by R' J.M. tomorrow, would you have the same dismissive attitude?"

The Anti-Self Defamation League:
No. Because you would have taken upon the yoke of the mitzvot-as all Jews did at Mount Sinai. You asked before how I knew that the conservative movement went away from believing the Torah is from heaven? I went to a lecture of Rabbi Marcus here in Jerusalem and I recorded it-he said this! I don't mean to be dismissive-you seem very interested in Judaism-your attitude towards certain issues is disturbing to me. An "orthodox" beit din wouldn't convert you unless you reject your current השקפה. If you think I sound extreme-you haven't heard the voices of many Rabbanim here AND there. Rabbi Eliyahu is considered to be the lenient of the two Sefardic Rabbanim (which mihag you supposedly follow).

I never took the Con hashkafa that rejected Torah mi-Sinai. I have always believed that. But I am not intellectually dishonest, and know that Judaism has endured a complex history that brought in many ideas on G-d and Torah LONG before the advent of Reform. For example, the anthropromorphization of HQB"H is rife in the Bible and the Talmud. FFS, G-d is called "ISH milhama". Early Israelites conceptualized G-d as a personable being, rather than a distant transcendent force. That came from Greek philosophy, which arrived at Judaism through Islam via Rambam.

Look, I believe G-d created the Earth and gave Torah to Israel for eternity*. Though I may leak the occasional sarcastic comment (Just check out the other site I frequent... OTOH don't.), my faith cannot be questioned. I will not question yours either. Why do you seek confrontation? Is it because of my leftist affiliations? Do wish to "rescue" me from the clutches of the Great Self-hating Satan Richard Silverstein? Even if I subscribe to your politics (I know too much in this world to do so), I still would not go around "torturing" those who have opposite opinions from myself. This is the difference between you and me: While I live and let live, you can't seem to swallow the fact that your own fellow Jews have *gasp* different views! They deserve debate, but not threats.

About the "Sephardic model" kneged "My way or the highway" Haredi Judaism: Though the community may take an Orthodox basis (with variance across communities), individuals can hold their own observances (and views!) as long as the community is united. Surely, you noticed this of all things at MDSC.

*as far as humanity will last

Justin White said...

"Though the community may take an Orthodox basis (with variance across communities), individuals can hold their own observances (and views!)"
ASDL: Why don't you tell this to a real בית דין. If fact, if you don't read it to them-I WILL. This is a shallow excuse. You are still the same Barnacle I ran into years ago. What you are describing is not Judaism-it is the dumbing-down of Judaism by heretical movements like the one you joined.
Let me ask you just one question. Why do you want to be a Jew? If Jews are being attacked around the world, and you sympathize with the perpetrators, then why do you want to join us? If you don't answer this, then you have no right to comment about me or my views.

"as long as the community is united. Surely, you noticed this of all things at MDSC."
ASDL: This is yet another excuse. You are not a Jew. You are not in a position to bargain. You don't have זכות אבות. Ruth followed the Torah and so did Shemaya and Avtalyon. Ruth clung to her observance when Orpah took the easy way out. Are you like Ruth or like Orpah? You can't be both. You can't hide behind others merits or faults. That is a cop-out. G-d judges each of us for out own actions in life, right? Then why bother using others as an excuse?

Justin White said...

From an alleged talmid hacham
You called me this. I never said this.

I am still part of the Jewish community as much as you were before you did mikvah.
Being part of the community means being a Jew. I didn't have the same attitude you did, for sure.

The fact that you were converted by Litvaks (but followed Sephardic minhag, which is technically assur)
Tell me why this is forbidden. Who told you this? Did you just invent this?

probably reflects your absolutism
Do you mean Judaism?

but is bar none an Islamic precept!
From where do you take this? Do you really believe this? Tell an Orthodox Rabbi this.

Why don't you give ME a lecture on what Judaism IS?
Why don't you study Torah so you can give lectures instead of me feeding you information!

Justin White said...

You once said "Tigers do not change their stripes..." This applies to you as well. Much of what you have written was taken from the conservative handbook. You forget that at UVA and Yeshiva, all the other Jews were from non-Orthodox backgrounds. I am familiar with that philosophy-but I never adopted it for myself.
Let us begin:

Early Israelites conceptualized G-d as a personable being, rather than a distant transcendent force.
Who are "the early Israelites? You mean Avraham (the "earliest Israelite")? He thought G-d was a person? Huh? Did you take this from Christianity? According to the Midrash (Rashi quotes Genesis 11:28), Avraham was thrown into a fire by Nimrod because he smashed his father's idols:

רש"י על בראשית פרק יא פסוק כח
על פני תרח אביו - בחיי אביו (ב"ר) ומ"א י"א שע"י אביו מת שקבל תרח על אברם בנו לפני נמרוד על שכתת את צלמיו והשליכו לכבשן האש והרן יושב ואומר בלבו אם אברם נוצח אני משלו ואם נמרוד נוצח אני משלו וכשניצל אברם אמרו לו להרן משל מי אתה אמר להם הרן משל אברם אני השליכוהו לכבשן האש ונשרף וזהו אור כשדים ומנחם פי' אור בקעה וכן (ישעיה כד) באורים כבדו ה' וכן (שם יא) מאורת צפעוני כל חור ובקע עמוק קרוי אור:

That came from Greek philosophy, which arrived at Judaism through Islam via Rambam.
The Greeks were idolaters. That is the subject of Hanukkah. Remember? If G-d interacts with us, how is He "distant." Maybe you mean "not subject by nature?" You are saying that from Islam came the "formless" view of G-d? Islam holds Yeshu to be a prophet, though he called himself "god." That ends that argument. In any case if Islam is more authentic להבדיל than why not become a Muslim? Then you won't have to argue with the likes of me!

The Torah uses anthropomorphism because Hashem is something we cannot fathom. There is no way for Him to be understood by us other than if he were to be conceived as He reveals Himself in the Torah. If you believe that the Torah is from Heaven, then why do you say "Early Israelites conceptualized G-d as a personable being..." If the Torah is from Heaven, then the anthropomorphic concepts in the Torah are from Hashem-right? So why do you say that the early Israelities would have thought that way? Only if you believe that they wrote the Torah and not Hashem להבדיל.

Justin White said...

Why do you seek confrontation? Is it because of my leftist affiliations?
You initiated this whole interaction. I would have forgotten you. I think you are looking for the attention-or a kind of Jewish education that you never got? I have all kinds of friends. Conservative is a heretical movement-it is not Torah Judaism.

Even if I subscribe to your politics..
Huh? You have the obsession with politics. I go to lil Richard's blog to refute heretics-as it says in פרקי אבות:

משנה מסכת אבות פרק ב
רַבִּי אֶלְעָזָר אוֹמֵר, הֱוֵי שָׁקוּד לִלְמוֹד תּוֹרָה, (וְדַע) מַה שֶּׁתָּשִׁיב לָאַפִּיקוֹרוֹס.

Rabbi Eleazar said: Be diligent in the study of the Torah; and know what to answer the heretic;

I know too much in this world to do so
Apparently you are lacking in Torah knowledge-so perhaps you should run and change that.

you can't seem to swallow the fact that your own fellow Jews have *gasp* different views! They deserve debate, but not threats.
Read the Mishna above. I think what you are really saying is that I refuse to accept an impostor for a Rav and כפירה instead of Torah. Yet, Silverstein guns for anyone who doesn't agree with him and censors them as well-yet you chime in with him (agreeing). You don't give him your "mussar!" Why is that Mr. Yeh? Because you resent Orthodox Judaism for telling you that your "movement" is a phony? The Self-Hate Fuhrer was raised in the same "השקפה" and look at the outcome.
I don't threaten-don't lie. I am debating all the time-it is you that can't stand the heat. Yet you keep coming back in the kitchen with more poison! You are like the Rocky who doesn't win. I hope you are better at gaming than debating.

the "Sephardic model" kneged "My way or the highway" Haredi Judaism
What is "the Sefardic model?" Most observant Jews follow the שולחן ערוך in one form or another. Do you think that רב עובדיה is not Haredi? רב עמאר? Really? You really don't understand the Sefardic world or Israel at all-complete ignorance. As far as "My way or the highway," how is Silverstein any different? He "doesn't break for Jews!" Why do "non-Orthodox" resent those who follow the Torah properly? Because it shows that they don't? Don't pretend to be unbiased-you have an agenda just like I do and Silverstein does.

With regards to you being a conservative "convert," I tried to tell you to talk to the Rabbinate-but you didn't want to hear it. Now I am hearing the result. Here is what two different orthodox rabbis said to me about this:

Jerusalem (Modern Orthodox-Askenazi:
"An Orthodox conversion demands absolute acceptance of Torah and rabbinic teachings without wavering or rationalizations."

Bnei Barak (Haredi Ashkenazi):
"A conservative convert is not at all valid. The guy is a 100% goy. Why in the world would someone want to convert to be a conservative Jew? It's is better to be a goy. I think the guy must be nuts in the first pace..." Tell him that he can comfortably continue going to church. He is not a Jew!! He is not a conservative Jew, he is rather an orthodox goy doing just what he should as being such; trying to turn you off..."

Questions? Class dismissed.