Sunday, October 12, 2008

Aussie Dave Exposes Richard Silverstein

taken from KapoDickie - an Adventure in Jewish Self-Hatred

Little Dickie Campaigns for Hamas Terror

from the blog:
August 27th, 2008
Silverstein on Hamas
Aussie Dave
On Richard Silverstein’s anti-Israel blog Tikun Olam (link not provided, since he loves getting traffic), “Kane” asks a simple question in the comments:
# On August 26th, 2008 at 11:15 amKane said:
I would be interested in hearing what you think of what Orgo said (Orgo had commented that there is no evidence connecting Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh to any terror attacks -ed.) Do you think Haniyeh is a terrorist or connected to terror attacks?
Silverstein responds:
# On August 26th, 2008 at 12:44 pmRichard Silverstein said:
@Kane: Haniyeh is less connected to terror attacks than Yitzchak Shamir was. Let me make clear that I’m no friend of Hamas. I wish there were another authentic, popular grassroots Palestinian political movement instead of it. I don’t like their politics or their willingness to embrace armed violent resistance. That being said, they ARE an authentic, grassroots popular movement. Until some other group can beat them in a legitimate election, they should be recognized as a legitimate government.
So there you have it, folks. Silverstein is clearly stating:
1. The leader of Hamas is less connected to terrorism than was a former Prime Minister of Israel.
2. Hamas engages in “resistance”, not terrorism.
See also:
Jane Says: April 6th, 2008 at 7:06 pm
Little Dickie Kapostein, the real name for Richard Silverstein, is a fanatic anti-Semite and Neo-Nazi who seeks Israel’s annihilation and a new Holocaust. The semi-literate Silverstein would like to be the next Jewish Neo-Nazi after Norman Finkelstein crashed and burned. There has never been an act of Arab savagery against Jews he does not justify, nor an act of Jewish self-defense that he supports. His blog is little more than his exercise in political masturbation, trying to draw attention to himself. He has been unemployed for years.

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