Tuesday, June 2, 2009

There Are Only Two Types Of Jews

Here is an idea that I have wanted to communicate for a long time. There are really only two categories of Jews in the world-those who are live out of fear of non-Jews and those who live out of fear of Heaven (G-d). The rest of us are simply a shade in between.
The greatest of Jews-the אבות-Abraham, Issac, and Jacob as well as Moses and the prophets were on the יראת שמים (right) end. Self-hating Jews and Jews who convert to other religions typically belong to the far left end (יראת הגוים). I would add to this group Jews who spend their time advocating on the behalf of people who hate Jews-Peace Now, the leaders of non-"Orthodox" Jewish institutions, bloggers like Richard Silverstein and gentile wannabes like Roseanne Barr. The average Jews in every generation are in the gray shade in the middle.

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