Saturday, March 14, 2009

"Hummus as a weapon of war." Richard Silverstein Almost Sees The Light

    Has Richard Silverstein seen the light?  In describing an article about Israeli restrictions to Gaza, lil Richard goes on to say:  “It would take an Israeli bureaucrat to devise rules this arcane.”
Well apparently Richard, after 30 years of “investigative insights” has finally got something right about Israel. The word arcane, to describe Israeli bureaucracy, is an insult to the word arcane. If grammar could sue, it would sue “Tikun” Olam.
Richard goes on to say:
The next time anyone tells you the Occupation doesn’t corrupt thought and reason absolutely, remind them of this.
Yes! Occupation does corrupt! The Occupation of the Jewish spirit by criminals like you and Rabbi Brenda! When are Jews going to have the courage to dismantle their own internal Occupation-the “Haskala?” Lil Richard is all bark no bite. He doesn’t have the guts to come back to observance and neither does his readership.

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