Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Israeli Doctors Barred From Conference In Egypt

Here is a message from Z Street founder Lori Marcus:

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Lori Lowenthal Marcus < >
Sent: Wed, October 21, 2009 1:59:11 PM
Subject: BC conference in Egypt

Ms. Casey,

I was dismayed when I heard that Israeli doctors were barred from attending the Susan G. Komen conference in Egypt.  I understand that it was the government of Egypt and not Komen that banned them, but you must realize that allowing such discrimination sets a terrible precedent.  I cannot imagine that any organization in the world - and I hope there are none - would allow the barring of Blacks or Muslims or Lebanese, etc. to take place under their name.

Having seen emails in which you explain why you chose to go forward and given that the conference is already underway, I have a suggestion.  The foundation should make a statement, both written and oral, in which it deplores the banning of the Israeli doctors and expresses the intent of the foundation to hold another conference in Israel.  This conference has already been politicized in a reprehensible way, regardless of the role you have played.  

Please at least address the issue in a forthright way, one that makes clear that the Susan G. Komen For the Cure truly supports "cooperation" and inclusion, and did not intend to be a tacit endorser of racism and discrimination.

Most sincerely,

Lori Lowenthal Marcus
Philadelphia, PA  USA
Breast Cancer Survivor
Lori Lowenthal Marcus
Philadelphia, PA  USA

Lori Lowenthal Marcus
Z STREET co-founder

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