I was by a good friend’s shwarma place last week and he mentioned that his wife and sister were off to the Madonna convert (400 NIS+). I was thinking to myself how different going to a Madonna concert in Israel is to be a religious Jew in Israel. Well, apparently not everyone agrees! According to the Jerusalem Post, Madonna’s Kabbalah mentor, Karen Berg disagrees! Berg says about her:
Die Another Day
Madonna’s video for “Die Another Day” featured a video of her sporting a “Lav” לאו tattoo. Lav in Aramaic means “no.” It is also used to describe a “don’t do” commandment in the Torah. Having a tattoo is actually one example of a lav:
I remember being in yeshiva in 1998-99 and someone telling one of the Rabbis about Madonna and her new Kabbalah hobby. The Rabbi, originally from Australia, thought he was referring to the mother of “Jesus,” and was quite shocked. I explained that she was an Italian American pop singer-and quite attractive as well. The other students enjoyed hearing me explain to this man, who came from a totally different background, that this Madonna wasn’t the historical one. It seems that I have moved forward in my Torah studies, as has…Esther?
Madonna’s Kabbalah – Not Kosher
By Rabbi Ariel Bar Tzadok
Copyright © 2002 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved.
I am not one who watches or enjoys rock videos. However, when several of my yeshiva high school students informed me about what they had seen on the Internet, I felt obligated to investigate. I do not believe that yeshiva students should be watching rock videos, even more so I do not believe that rock stars should be dabbling with things that they truly do not understand.
I discovered that Madonna’s famous dabbling with sacred Jewish mysticism has taken an interesting turn. In her latest music video for the theme song of a new James Bond movie, the “material girl” of old is transforming herself into a “Kabbalah girl.”
Aside from the traditional Madonna blend of music and sensuality, in this video we see Madonna has a Holy Name of G-d tattooed onto her right shoulder. Tattooing, mind you, is a practice forbidden under Torah Law, all the more so abhorred by the Kabbalah. Granted the tattoo may not be real or only temporary but nonetheless, any expression of performing a forbidden act is itself forbidden and inexcusable. Unfortunately, Madonna’s abuse of Kabbalah and traditional Torah Judaism does not stop here.
Later in the video we see Madonna winding leather straps around her left arm in the exact same format and style as holy tefillin are worn by religious Jewish men. Tefillin consist of a small leather box containing scared parchments. These are then strapped to one’s left biceps, and the strap is wound down the left arm and around the hand.
Granted Madonna did not go so far as to defame the tefillin boxes themselves. Yet, it is quite clear that the wrapping of the straps around her arm is done in orthodox Torah style. This act of hers is pure sacrilege. Granted one can state that Rashi, one of the greatest Jewish medieval scholars allowed his daughters to strap on tefillin. This, however, was never accepted in Torah Law as a legitimate practice. Torah Law has never accepted the claim made about Rashi’s daughters over centuries of clear and concrete legal precedent.
For a woman to wear tefillin or even to make believe that she is doing so is even more of a serious sin when viewed in light of the Kabbalah. Rabbi Yitzhak Luria, the famous Ari’zal of 16th century Tzfat and clearly the greatest of all Kabbalists is quoted in numerous references as having taught that a woman’s spiritual path precludes her from wearing tefillin. Madonna had better go back to her Kabbalah studies and see what the real Kabbalah teaches before she continues making provocative acts which violate the very essence of Kabbalah and Torah.
In her video’s finale’ Madonna’s “Kabbalah” can be seen for its true nature with its disregard and blatant effrontery to traditional and true Kabbalah. In a scene where she is in an electric chair being put to death, Madonna (wrapped in tefillin straps) makes a miraculous escape. Her jailers come in to see the empty chair and all of a sudden, the Holy Name of G-d (the one tattooed on her arm) appears in the chair, where Madonna sat. I assume that the impression the video is trying to make is that the Holy Name saved her from her fate.
I recognized this holy Name. More so, I recognized the specific Hebrew script that was used. I know where Madonna received her “Kabbalah” information. The script used for the Hebrew in the video comes from the posters and charts published by a group known as the “Kabbalah Center” under the directorship of a man called the “Kabbalist Rav Berg.” I have spoken with many leading and well-respected Rabbis and Kabbalists and none of those with whom I have spoken respect this “Rav” and have even less respect for (what in their opinion) is his gross misrepresentation of true Kabbalistic teachings. Many in the traditional Jewish community condemn this group and even label it a cult.
Now, here is where our major problem lies. I personally do not know Madonna and therefore, I do not wish to cast aspersions on her that she intentionally and willingly wishes to act with sacrilege against the holy Torah and the sacred Kabbalah. That would be anti-Semitic and I do not believe that Madonna is an anti-Semite. I cannot tell you why Madonna presented herself as having a tattoo of a holy Name on her shoulder, wrapped herself with mock tefillin straps, and made use a Holy Name in a most unholy fashion (in a rock music video).
Did her “Kabbalah” teachers know that she was going to do this? Did they give her their consent and blessings to do such? If not then they are the ones who should speak up and make a public statement disavowing their connection to these sacrilegious acts. Indeed, if they did not teach her that these things were acceptable, then they should be writing an article such as this to disavow her and to clear themselves of blame. I am waiting to see if such an article ever gets written.
It is widely known that Madonna has been a student at this “Kabbalah Center” for some time. In a recent television interview on the CNN Larry King program Madonna outright said that she “was a Kabbalist.” Now, who would have told her this?
To be a Kabbalist requires of one many things. One must live a modest and holy life style in accordance to Torah Law. One must observe the commandments, even if one is a Righteous Gentile (Bat Noah) one has to observe all those commandments applicable to them. One must also have a comprehensive education in all applicable areas of Torah, not just Kabbalah. Madonna’s recent video, its violent theme, her provocative dance moves and dress, which is certainly not modest by Torah standards suggests that she lacks these criteria, is unaware of them, or disregards them.
Madonna has a long way to go before she meets the criteria to even be permitted to study the sacred Kabbalah. Yet, her “Center” seems to ignore her behavior, which falls far short of Righteous Gentile (Benei Noah) requirements and teaches her regardless.
Those who teach her are Jews and by teaching Madonna Kabbalah, even if it is their own version of it, still nonetheless violate numerous Torah Laws. If the “Kabbalah Center” teachers or others doubt the validity of what I have written here regarding the responsibilities and obligations of Madonna’s teachers under these circumstances I suggest that they consult with any Orthodox Beit Din (Court of Jewish Law).
Madonna is certainly no Kabbalist. If her teachers have told her that she is, then they are using a criterion of definition unique unto themselves and most certainly not accepted anywhere else in the traditional Jewish community and especially amongst the community of true holy Kabbalists.
In spite of her behavior that falls far short of Torah standards, I feel sorry for Madonna. I believe that she is most likely sincere in her spiritual pursuits. I do not blame her for doing what she may have been taught is acceptable. She does not have a Torah background or education.
Her teachers, however, may have such. If not, then we have the blind leading the blind. If, however her teachers are familiar with the laws of Torah, then they are not providing Madonna with a proper and decent Torah education. For without Torah Law and practice there is no Kabbalah. Every kosher Rabbi and Kabbalist knows this. Draw then your own conclusions about Madonna’s teachers.
Kabbalah is a holy, sacred aspect of Torah Judaism. It should not be cheapened and abused. Music videos and all other forms of entertainment that do not meet the moral standards of Torah Law should never be the place for anything sacred.
One final note, parents keep your children away from this video and similar ones. If we allow our children exposure to this offensive material, we have no one to blame but ourselves if they learn to act immorally.
She reads and follows Hebrew, and has learned how to speak some Hebrew,” said the religiously observant Berg, who attended the final show of the singer’s Sweet & Sticky tour at Hayarkon Park on Wednesday night.Here The Material Girl is giving a concert at the center of secular Israel under the title “Sticky & Sweet!” Maybe it’s a reference to the honey and the apple-Rosh Hashana?
Die Another Day
Madonna’s video for “Die Another Day” featured a video of her sporting a “Lav” לאו tattoo. Lav in Aramaic means “no.” It is also used to describe a “don’t do” commandment in the Torah. Having a tattoo is actually one example of a lav:
Leviticus 19:28Another problem is that she is laying (wearing) tefillin (those black boxes with straps) with the straps laying on the floor as she does it.
You shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you; I am the Lord.
I remember being in yeshiva in 1998-99 and someone telling one of the Rabbis about Madonna and her new Kabbalah hobby. The Rabbi, originally from Australia, thought he was referring to the mother of “Jesus,” and was quite shocked. I explained that she was an Italian American pop singer-and quite attractive as well. The other students enjoyed hearing me explain to this man, who came from a totally different background, that this Madonna wasn’t the historical one. It seems that I have moved forward in my Torah studies, as has…Esther?
Madonna’s Kabbalah – Not Kosher
By Rabbi Ariel Bar Tzadok
Copyright © 2002 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved.
I am not one who watches or enjoys rock videos. However, when several of my yeshiva high school students informed me about what they had seen on the Internet, I felt obligated to investigate. I do not believe that yeshiva students should be watching rock videos, even more so I do not believe that rock stars should be dabbling with things that they truly do not understand.
I discovered that Madonna’s famous dabbling with sacred Jewish mysticism has taken an interesting turn. In her latest music video for the theme song of a new James Bond movie, the “material girl” of old is transforming herself into a “Kabbalah girl.”
Aside from the traditional Madonna blend of music and sensuality, in this video we see Madonna has a Holy Name of G-d tattooed onto her right shoulder. Tattooing, mind you, is a practice forbidden under Torah Law, all the more so abhorred by the Kabbalah. Granted the tattoo may not be real or only temporary but nonetheless, any expression of performing a forbidden act is itself forbidden and inexcusable. Unfortunately, Madonna’s abuse of Kabbalah and traditional Torah Judaism does not stop here.
Later in the video we see Madonna winding leather straps around her left arm in the exact same format and style as holy tefillin are worn by religious Jewish men. Tefillin consist of a small leather box containing scared parchments. These are then strapped to one’s left biceps, and the strap is wound down the left arm and around the hand.
Granted Madonna did not go so far as to defame the tefillin boxes themselves. Yet, it is quite clear that the wrapping of the straps around her arm is done in orthodox Torah style. This act of hers is pure sacrilege. Granted one can state that Rashi, one of the greatest Jewish medieval scholars allowed his daughters to strap on tefillin. This, however, was never accepted in Torah Law as a legitimate practice. Torah Law has never accepted the claim made about Rashi’s daughters over centuries of clear and concrete legal precedent.
For a woman to wear tefillin or even to make believe that she is doing so is even more of a serious sin when viewed in light of the Kabbalah. Rabbi Yitzhak Luria, the famous Ari’zal of 16th century Tzfat and clearly the greatest of all Kabbalists is quoted in numerous references as having taught that a woman’s spiritual path precludes her from wearing tefillin. Madonna had better go back to her Kabbalah studies and see what the real Kabbalah teaches before she continues making provocative acts which violate the very essence of Kabbalah and Torah.
In her video’s finale’ Madonna’s “Kabbalah” can be seen for its true nature with its disregard and blatant effrontery to traditional and true Kabbalah. In a scene where she is in an electric chair being put to death, Madonna (wrapped in tefillin straps) makes a miraculous escape. Her jailers come in to see the empty chair and all of a sudden, the Holy Name of G-d (the one tattooed on her arm) appears in the chair, where Madonna sat. I assume that the impression the video is trying to make is that the Holy Name saved her from her fate.
I recognized this holy Name. More so, I recognized the specific Hebrew script that was used. I know where Madonna received her “Kabbalah” information. The script used for the Hebrew in the video comes from the posters and charts published by a group known as the “Kabbalah Center” under the directorship of a man called the “Kabbalist Rav Berg.” I have spoken with many leading and well-respected Rabbis and Kabbalists and none of those with whom I have spoken respect this “Rav” and have even less respect for (what in their opinion) is his gross misrepresentation of true Kabbalistic teachings. Many in the traditional Jewish community condemn this group and even label it a cult.
Now, here is where our major problem lies. I personally do not know Madonna and therefore, I do not wish to cast aspersions on her that she intentionally and willingly wishes to act with sacrilege against the holy Torah and the sacred Kabbalah. That would be anti-Semitic and I do not believe that Madonna is an anti-Semite. I cannot tell you why Madonna presented herself as having a tattoo of a holy Name on her shoulder, wrapped herself with mock tefillin straps, and made use a Holy Name in a most unholy fashion (in a rock music video).
Did her “Kabbalah” teachers know that she was going to do this? Did they give her their consent and blessings to do such? If not then they are the ones who should speak up and make a public statement disavowing their connection to these sacrilegious acts. Indeed, if they did not teach her that these things were acceptable, then they should be writing an article such as this to disavow her and to clear themselves of blame. I am waiting to see if such an article ever gets written.
It is widely known that Madonna has been a student at this “Kabbalah Center” for some time. In a recent television interview on the CNN Larry King program Madonna outright said that she “was a Kabbalist.” Now, who would have told her this?
To be a Kabbalist requires of one many things. One must live a modest and holy life style in accordance to Torah Law. One must observe the commandments, even if one is a Righteous Gentile (Bat Noah) one has to observe all those commandments applicable to them. One must also have a comprehensive education in all applicable areas of Torah, not just Kabbalah. Madonna’s recent video, its violent theme, her provocative dance moves and dress, which is certainly not modest by Torah standards suggests that she lacks these criteria, is unaware of them, or disregards them.
Madonna has a long way to go before she meets the criteria to even be permitted to study the sacred Kabbalah. Yet, her “Center” seems to ignore her behavior, which falls far short of Righteous Gentile (Benei Noah) requirements and teaches her regardless.
Those who teach her are Jews and by teaching Madonna Kabbalah, even if it is their own version of it, still nonetheless violate numerous Torah Laws. If the “Kabbalah Center” teachers or others doubt the validity of what I have written here regarding the responsibilities and obligations of Madonna’s teachers under these circumstances I suggest that they consult with any Orthodox Beit Din (Court of Jewish Law).
Madonna is certainly no Kabbalist. If her teachers have told her that she is, then they are using a criterion of definition unique unto themselves and most certainly not accepted anywhere else in the traditional Jewish community and especially amongst the community of true holy Kabbalists.
In spite of her behavior that falls far short of Torah standards, I feel sorry for Madonna. I believe that she is most likely sincere in her spiritual pursuits. I do not blame her for doing what she may have been taught is acceptable. She does not have a Torah background or education.
Her teachers, however, may have such. If not, then we have the blind leading the blind. If, however her teachers are familiar with the laws of Torah, then they are not providing Madonna with a proper and decent Torah education. For without Torah Law and practice there is no Kabbalah. Every kosher Rabbi and Kabbalist knows this. Draw then your own conclusions about Madonna’s teachers.
Kabbalah is a holy, sacred aspect of Torah Judaism. It should not be cheapened and abused. Music videos and all other forms of entertainment that do not meet the moral standards of Torah Law should never be the place for anything sacred.
One final note, parents keep your children away from this video and similar ones. If we allow our children exposure to this offensive material, we have no one to blame but ourselves if they learn to act immorally.
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