Caroline Glick has written an excellent article for the Jerusalem Post entitled “The lonely Israeli Left.” She discussed the American Jewish Left and its affect on Israeli-American politics.
In her piece Glick comments:
On the edge of an assimilation/materialism-driven oblivion, Western Jewry are desperate to “make a difference.” Instead of returning to Torah Judaism, Western Jewry in the US turn to what is familiar to them: “let’s make peace.” Naively, they exert their resources and energy to further the values of other peoples and disregard their own. Song of Songs (1:6) relates:
In her piece Glick comments:
Whereas Obama’s goal of openly distancing the US from Israel is a source of anxiety and frustration for Israeli leftists who believe that US pressure should be a means to the end of compelling Israel to give away land to the Palestinians, it is a positive development for American Jewish Leftists. Led by the new anti-Israel Jewish lobby J Street, and supported by groups like Americans for Peace Now, the Union for Reform Judaism, the Jewish Council for Public Affairs and the National Jewish Democratic Council, the American Jewish Left supports the White House’s hostile positions on Israel as an ends unto themselves.Obviously, the ultra-liberal baby-boomer Jewish left is singing it’s swan song now with Obama. They realize that they won’t have another chance to inflict their confused philosophy on Israel, and so now they are pushing with all their might. This is a sad commentary on the exile-Jews who are pleading to a major power to relinquish that which it took them 2,000 years to regain!
On the edge of an assimilation/materialism-driven oblivion, Western Jewry are desperate to “make a difference.” Instead of returning to Torah Judaism, Western Jewry in the US turn to what is familiar to them: “let’s make peace.” Naively, they exert their resources and energy to further the values of other peoples and disregard their own. Song of Songs (1:6) relates:
My mother’s children were angry with me; they made me the keeper of the vineyards; but my own vineyard I have not kept.
ספר שיר השירים פרק א
בני אמי נחרו בי שמני נטרה את הכרמים כרמי שלי לא נטרתיRashi, the renown Jewish commentator interprets the meaning of the passage as follows:
The alien children of my mother incited me and made me keeper of the vineyards of idols, but the vineyard of my own true G-d I did not keep.
dude this is great!
Fascist? Didn't secular Zionists think about that before they came here? Now we have to blame someone else, eh? You are pretending to be the other side?
And Shas has been advocating the same thing it always has-the same ideas that these "secular Zionists" ripped off, yeah? And now you are backtracking?
secular zionist advocated to vote for shas and then you get to paradies? and you agree that we all should have known we are creating a problem. and you also know that if we don't solve the problem the killing will go on. but do people like you or that sharmuta really want to solve the problem?
you are so funny. you believe in a book and in the interpreter of the book like rambam and rashi and ovadia. why don't you just believe in god?
I am funny? Since when do secularists champion monotheism? Just because you are ignorant of your tradition, then I am? Again you are backtracking!
no, i'm not backtracking. your book, your traditions your whole rituals have nothing to do with god. it's just about egozentrism. why do you give god human attributes? like vengence, anger, vanity. but horniness is worse than all the other feelings. why? it's about guilt and this is something jewish.
If it weren't presented that way, humans wouldn't understand it. Is it my fault you didn't have a proper Jewish education?
so it could have been presented another way? a better way. but this is what god told them to write it down. so god is as he is described. a petulant and vindictive personality and so are the jews who believe in him. i'm glad that i don't believe in this midget.
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