Wednesday, June 3, 2009

"Jewish scum": Silverstein Shows His True Colors

In a recent article concerning comments by a Chabad Rabbi Manis Friedman, Richard Silverstein blurted out what in now my ace in the hole. Richard the Coward-Hearted, the confused crusader of the ultra-liberal self-hating post-Semitic agenda, has revealed, in his own words, his deep feelings of hatred for Jews:

And I do SO enjoy my right wing readers who take me to task when I write posts like this claiming that I’m engaging in lashon hara in excoriating Jewish scum like this. I can’t wait for the first comment to make that claim here. To that person, whoever you may be, perhaps you’ll explain how exposing and condemning a Jewish advocate of genocide is lashon hara.

Here, our crusader for assimilated Humanism taunts his "right-wing" leadership into finding error with his furious assertions. Interestingly, the article that Silverstein refers to (Moment magazine), contains quotes from various from religious leader (and misleaders) through the Jewish spectrum. I was pleasantly surprised to see a quote from Magen David Sephardic Congregation's Rav Joshua Maroof שליט"א.

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