Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Roseanne On Jesus and Kabbalah

Roseanne Barr has once again given us insight into the inner workings of Judaism in this reflection posted on her blog:


Part of the story of "jesus" is actually about his friend, shimon bar yochai...both men and their wives were erased from european jewish history, in its drive to become german/enlightened...ARYANIZED.. and yet it has been kept alive in sephardic/aramaic communities for two thousand years. (in another post I talked about this holy racial war of jewish thought - the talmudic and the zoharistic)

Outside the cave (in P'q'uin) where rabbi shimon hid for thirteen years from the romans...

In an instant, my mind raced ahead of itself, forward, and yet into the past... it smelled things and saw things and heard things unseen.

I saw the voice! I heard the smell! All senses synthesized...like at sinai.. I felt energy of life pulsing up from the earth and down from the trees. I flew at the speed of light, my eyebeam! The men I was with told me that in those days, they walked one inch off the ground and could teleport.

They were the temple monks, running for their lives, like now in tibet. The scorpion walked across the ari's tomb and we called the rav and karen on the phone (teleportation..to speak with those thousands of miles away) and karen said the scorpion is the only animal you can kill and incur no karma. Removing them changes nothing. Leaving them changes nothing.

I am a scorpio. I leave no mark, but I vow to supply the small link missing in the story of the temple, the end of the six thousand year old jews.

rabbi shimon bar yochai channelled the zohar. it contains all of the meditations that jesus practiced. The zohar says that in the age of acquarius, everyone will know these meditations. I have vowed to help that along.

ASDL Response:

Aryanized? Sephardic Jews are saving Judaism...wow! This is from the same Roseanne who called Israel a Nazi state? Doesn't she understand that Jews of Arab countries are the core of the right-wing in Israel? "Jesus" rejected his teacher's ways and formed a cult-the one you were raised in, Roseanne. How about some actual Torah learning? You too, Larry!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Gideon Levy And The Crime Of Minority Worship

Gideon Levy, in his article Has anyone in Israel asked why the Swedes hate us? continues his case against the State of Israel. His rant is primarily driven by an unwavering minority complex:
The world is always against us, period.
Here he attacks his own liberal European branja (a Yiddish term meaning the "experts" or the "guild"), as if he were not one of them:
thanks to the gung-ho Israeli press
Levy goes on to say:
the pointless killing and destruction wrought by Israel
Gideon you don't mention that Gaza was firing missiles into "Israel proper" for years! What about that death and destruction? Here your self-hate hasbara (Hebrew for a one-sided explanation or propaganda) is uncovered.
He continues:
these sorts of moments that made me feel ashamed to be an Israeli,...
We are also ashamed that you are an "Israeli!"
Levy asserts that Israeli leaders are:
warmongers versus seekers of negotiation...
You are the warmonger-you strive for some kind of one-sided false "peace" that is simple a mirage. The Arabs will never give up violence as an option. Only secular Jews like yourself-people who have spent their entire lives distancing themselves from Judaism-go on to quote, time after time the Jewish prophecies talking about abandoning of war. You quote Judaism when it is convenient for you to do so.
Below Levy never mentions the Arabs' behavior-never once. He never points out that is was the unrelenting pursuit of violence perpetrated by Hamas that led to Israel's long awaited retaliate-as if to say that Jews are not permitted to defend themselves.
Lieberman's belligerent statements and the Israel Defense Forces' violent actions in the territories
He states about the US and George Bush:
who gave it such a blank check for all its settlements, targeted assassinations and occupation activities
Since when do Jews, who are the true owners of the Land Of Israel, need approval from the nations of the world-or from Gideon Levy and his band of lost Israelites? Furthermore, in total ignorance to Judaism you say that Israel cannot target those in the process of killing Jews! What a despicable immoral policy-this is in total contradiction to the Torah:
if one comes to kill you, kill him first
אם בא להרגך-השכם להרגו
ברכות נ"ח-א
If a thief is found breaking in, and he is struck so that he dies, there shall no blood be shed for him.
Exodus 22:1
It was secular Jews who insisted on having their own state, and then created a movement called Zionism. Now, more than one-hundred years later, it's offspring, Bnei Hertzl, are having a Ashka-tantrum in the face of world pressure:
For decades now, the world has been buying the Zionist narrative almost in full.
He incorrectly states:
The occupation and settlements have been going on for more than 40 years with no serious impediment.
Sorry Gideon-you can't fool everyone. The occupation is within you. The fact that you spend all of your time and energy pandering to the West-your new savior-and not sharpening your expertise in your own religion, Judaism is the mother-of-all-occupations. Forty-years? Try two hundred years! The occupation of the Jewish Enlightenment, the Haskalah, has leveled world Jewry with assimilation and confusion. Many Jews have no idea what their own religion means. You are only contributing to this occupation.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Know How To Respond To Heretics

A friend commented to me, “Are you sure it’s alright what you are doing?” His question was intended to ask if there was a justification, in Judaism, for creating a blog that holds accountable those Jews who attack Judaism and Israel without any Torah justification. Well, here is his answer. Here is a collection of statements from Jewish scriptures regarding such issues.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Haaretz Owned By Nazi-Linked Firm: Now It All Makes Sense

Special Thanks To Avi For This Tasty Tidbit!
Recently, in a spat with Richard Silverstein, reader Taming Korach pointed out that Haaretz is a German-owned newspaper. Thanks to another reader, Avi, we now have the evidence to convict lil Richard on charges of idiocy. Lil Richard whimpered:
Let it not be said that you waste any time actually trying to propound truthful or factual arguments. Haaretz is not “owned” by Germans. A German publishing company owns a minority stake. Furthermore, the German company has specifically said it has absolutely no control over anything written in the newspaper. So much for yr command of the facts. You can’t stand the idea that Israelis actually write Haaretz and advance ideas & arguments w. which you vehemently disagree. So you conveniently argue that the reason for this is that Haaretz is owned by anti-Semitic Nazis/Germans. Nice work.
Here is proof that Haaretz is connected to the former Nazi regime. As Avi wrote me: “now it all makes sense!”
according to Wikipedia:
The newspaper’s editorial policy was defined by Gershom Gustav Schocken, who was editor-in-chief from 1939 to 1990. Haaretz is owned by the Schocken family. The editor of the paper today is Dov Alfon, replacing David Landau in April 2008.[15] Landau succeeded Hanoch Marmari[16] and Yoel Esteron in April 2004. Adar Primor was the editor of Haaretz English Edition from 2005-2007. Charlotte Halle became managing editor of the English Edition in 2007 and editor of the English Edition in February 2008.
In August 2006, DuMont Schauberg acquired 25 percent of the shares of the Haaretz group. This German publisher, based in Cologne, owns four daily newspapers and a dozen other publications. It is also a partial owner of various radio stations. The deal was negotiated with the help of former Israeli ambassador to Germany Avi Primor. According to the CEO of the Haaretz group Amos Schocken, the proceeds from the sale will allow the company to augment its stake at Walla!, an Israeli Internet site.

A Fading Understanding

In his article A Fading Peace, author Brian Freedman writes a quality piece about his experience with anti-Arab sentiments amongst Israeli youth. Freedman does provide an intelligent well-thought out assessment of the current conflict. He, unfortunately, like many Anglo Jews today having a faded picture of Israeli society that is fading as fast as a Tel Aviv sunset.
Freedman states:
The kids wear this bigotry with pride, as if it were a source of patriotism…
Is that not a blanket statement? That would be far more appropriate for the Arabs than for Israeli Jews. The Arabs have no vocal leftist opposition, with the exception of informants and leftist Jews like those on the Wall of Shame on this blog. Do you think the Meretznikim in Tel Aviv have this kind of attitude? They are busy hating Haredim (black-hat Orthodox) to hate the Arabs.
Describing a group of anti-Arab Jewish kids he encountered Freedman writes:
I vindicate them mostly because they are young and they undoubtedly learn this mentality at the dinner table.
Again, Arabs don’t have anti-Israel hate pow-wows? Leftist Jews? No, only the average Israeli fed up with the Arabs and the world’s tolerance of their behavior gets pegged for the media’s special attention. He writes further:
Avigdor Lieberman’s successful campaign slogan, “No Loyalty, No Citizenship,” is aimed at initiating a McCarthy-like litmus test to suppress the nagging, caustic voice of a frustrated Israeli Arab population.
A teacher of mine who is now at the Technion told me that there were Israeli Arabs who deliberately gave Hezbollah directions regarding which areas of Israel to hit in the latest Israeli-Lebanese War. Brian, you don’t point that out. You also don’t point out that there were families of Arab suicide bombers getting stipends from the Israeli government after having perpetrated their murderous missions! How’s that for nuts? Would any Western country be so naive? Your comments, and those of so many Jews in the Diaspora represent a fundamental lack of understand of the culture, problems, and challenges-in their totality-that Israel and its Arabs neighbors face. Hopefully more Jews will come to Israel and educate themselves to counteract this “fading understanding.”

Saturday, March 14, 2009

"Hummus as a weapon of war." Richard Silverstein Almost Sees The Light

    Has Richard Silverstein seen the light?  In describing an article about Israeli restrictions to Gaza, lil Richard goes on to say:  “It would take an Israeli bureaucrat to devise rules this arcane.”
Well apparently Richard, after 30 years of “investigative insights” has finally got something right about Israel. The word arcane, to describe Israeli bureaucracy, is an insult to the word arcane. If grammar could sue, it would sue “Tikun” Olam.
Richard goes on to say:
The next time anyone tells you the Occupation doesn’t corrupt thought and reason absolutely, remind them of this.
Yes! Occupation does corrupt! The Occupation of the Jewish spirit by criminals like you and Rabbi Brenda! When are Jews going to have the courage to dismantle their own internal Occupation-the “Haskala?” Lil Richard is all bark no bite. He doesn’t have the guts to come back to observance and neither does his readership.

Jews Being Mislead By Reform Rituals

     I remember my days at The University Of Virginia, and the Hillel which was lead by a “reform” leader. Days of sitting in non-kosher restaurants with my NBJ (Natural Born Jews) friends while we ate treif and they philosophized about their Jewishness and then decided that they weren’t ready to “go up” to observance. I would subsequently ask myself, in the following decade, how is was that they were so comfortable being “Jew” but transgressing the very Torah that made Jews the Chosen People. The following article sheds light on how this process takes place.
    It is profoundly troubling that the kind of non-observant Jews whom I met there are still being bombarded by the leaders of heretic “Jewish” movements. Here, Professor Vanessa Ochs, a real-life “Rabbi Brenda,” teaches her brand of Judianity to unsuspecting, innocent, and Torah-ignorant Jewish youth. The author states:

A recent study of young adults in the U.S. has established that “for many students Judaism is more of a cultural issue than a question of religious identity.
Shouldn’t we question the Seinfelding of Judaism?
Last update – 00:00 22/01/2008
Create-as-you-go rituals abound in the U.S.
By Shmuel Rosner
    The original plan was to go see the mezuzah, but Professor Vanessa Ochs explained it was removed from the doorpost long ago. It’s probably on a shelf somewhere, gathering dust. Anyway, what’s there to see? Nothing but a brown envelope. Better sit around instead and drink beer.
    It was an odd November evening on bustling University Avenue, which looks onto the University of Virginia, founded by Thomas Jefferson. Students in gym shorts were taking advantage of the unexpected sun and jogging. Professor Ochs, sitting in a dimly lit bistro, recalled the story of the mezuzah, on which she elaborated in the preface to her recently published book, “Inventing Jewish Ritual: New American Traditions.”
    When she and her husband Peter moved to Charlottesville, they wanted to have a mezuzah-hanging ceremony that would also mean something to their non-Jewish friends. This is how the Ochs’ “interactive mezuzah” came about. Basic interactive mezuzah instructions: Hang a traditional mezuzah, ask the participants in the ceremony to write down wishes or greetings on a piece of paper, roll up the paper and insert it in an envelope to be posted on the door beneath the traditional mezuzah.

Girl with a skull cap
    Annie Bess sits in the balcony of her peaceful New Haven, Connecticut home, a skull cap on her head and a book in hand. She is a serious-looking girl who tries to avoid defining who or what she considers herself to be. Still, if pressed, she would say that Judaism is very important for her, and for her family, too.
    She is an opinionated girl. More specifically, she passes judgment on people who cover their heads in synagogue but not on the street. To her, they’re missing the whole point. Does her mother know? “She’s right here,” Bess says. Her mother is indeed there, her head uncovered.
    One can read about Bess and how she became avid in religious observance in Mark Oppenheimer’s “Thirteen and a Day: The Bar and Bat Mitzvah Across America.” Annie Bess is one of the book’s protagonists, as is her next-door neighbor. “There aren’t many 12-year-olds who can talk about their bat mitzvah as she can,” Oppenheimer recounts. “There are a lot of teens who find their bar mitzvah meaningful, but only a few know how to fully articulate its significance.”
    Annie Bess’ Judaism is constantly evolving, she says. For example, she had a small crisis with her tzitzit (the fringes on the end of the Jewish prayer shawl). First she wore it, then grew uncomfortable and took it off. “I’m used to wearing a skull cap,” she explains, “but with the tzitzit I felt like I needed support.” Not only support, but also skillful labor since the only tzitzit she could find was designed for boys and “didn’t suit a feminine figure.” Therefore, when she decided to resume wearing the tzitzit, she found herself laboring with the design-measuring, cutting, sowing and tying the four fringes together.

Prayer shawls for women
    Hand-made prayer shawls (talitot) for women, writes Ochs in her book, is yet another innovation contemporary Jewish women have made in their religious practice. The Judaica industry quickly caught on and started manufacturing the shawls commercially. But the hand-made shawl did not disappear, just as many male rabbis tend to wear custom-made talitot.
    Among women who make their own prayer shawls, a new ceremony has started to gain ground upon completion of the task. Some have made this ceremony part of the bar/bat mitzvah. Here’s how it goes: The birthday boy/girl convenes relatives, covers them in the prayer shawl before it’s been used and receives a blessing. This personal initiation of the talit therefore becomes a familial event.

Torah yoga
    Women, who are responsible for most of these innovations, have revolutionized the talit market. Ochs, a religious studies professor, points to the women’s movement as the force for change in the nature of Jewish ceremonies.
    A recent study of young adults in the U.S. has established that “for many students Judaism is more of a cultural issue than a question of religious identity.” The growing numbers of progressive Jewish ceremonies have enabled them to integrate Jewish elements in their daily lives. “A generation described as errant, self-centered and disinterested is, in fact, looking for a meaningful sense of community and involvement, only it is in informal and unconventional ways,” says Rabbi Sharon Brous, the leader of the vibrant Ikar congregation in Los Angeles.
    Some new rituals aim at a personal, rather than collective, experience. Torah yoga, for example-combining reading verses with movement-rose to prominence as far back as the 1970s, when Eastern philosophies penetrated the West, and is still alive and kicking in the 21st century. Back then, it was an innovative, somewhat eccentric, activity, and today it is right at the heart of the consensus, and continuing to gain ground. Ochs’ daughter, Elizabeth, brought it to Charlottesville four years ago. In several synagogues around town Torah yoga is an occasional substitute for the traditional prayer or Torah sermon.
    Across America, Jews are in the process of adopting hundreds of new rituals and trends. In her book, Ochs lists a few dozen: from ceremonies for birth and burial, festivals and rosh hodesh, honoring one’s Christian neighbor, and Holocaust memorial day, to many women-centered ceremonies: condolences for miscarriage, celebrating the menstrual cycle, Purim ceremonies focusing on Queen Vashti (who defied her husband King Ahasuerus) and celebrating the act of breastfeeding.

Elijah’s cup is not alone
    Miriam’s Cup started off as a woman-focused ceremony, but in many households it has become part and parcel of the Seder dinner on Passover eve. In versions of Haggadah (the order of the Seder), it is even displayed like a centuries-old custom. But since it is a “recent addition to the Seder, its use is not fixed,” Tamara Cohen wrote in Ritualwell.com, a Web site dedicated to alternative Jewish rituals. Miriam’s Cup is placed on the Seder table beside the Cup of Elijah. Miriam’s Cup is filled with water. It serves as a symbol of Miriam’s Well, which was the source of water for the Israelites in the desert. The blessing that follows is this: “This is the Cup of Miriam, the cup of living waters. Let us remember the Exodus from Egypt.”

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Silverstein Caught In Another Lie: Lieberman Only Protecting His Son

Richard Silverstein, convicted chronic liar has once again erred:

Israel’s likely next foreign minister is a convicted child beater.

Taming response:

Obviously Lieberman isn't a child beater if he was protecting bullies out to hurt his kid. Wouldn't any good parent protect his child against several other kids trying to hurt him? Maybe Richard wouldn't because for him, being the victim is always the moral position to be in. Perhaps because he supports Jews being beaten up? Read the original article below:

Lieberman plea accepted, fines total NIS 17,500

By Etgar Lefkovits

September 26, 2001

JERUSALEM (September 26) - The Jerusalem Magistrate's Court yesterday accepted the plea bargain reached between National Infrastructure Minister Avigdor Lieberman and the State Attorney's Office. Lieberman admitted to assaulting two Jewish boys after they attacked his son.
While accepting the plea bargain and fining Lieberman NIS 17,500, the three-judge panel censured Lieberman for never expressing remorse for his actions, which they said were not "a spontaneous reaction," as his defense attorney had claimed.
Lieberman responded that he never voiced regret to the boys' families out of fear that such a statement would "obstruct justice."
For the second day in a row, Lieberman refused to talk to reporters.
The incident occurred in December 1999 near Lieberman's home in Nokdim, south of Jerusalem.

Under the terms of the plea bargain, first announced in court on Monday, Lieberman confessed to assaulting the two teenagers after they beat his 12-year-old son as he made his way home.

In return, the prosecution reduced the charge against Lieberman.

His attorney's arguments that his actions were the "normal and minor response" of a justifiably angered parent and that the incident was nothing more than "a typical squabble between neighbors" were rejected.

"The actions of the accused were not so minor in their nature. We are not talking about one lone action that was taken as a spontaneous reaction and without forethought, but a series of actions that were carried out over a period of time that was enough for the accused to have calmed down and not carried them out," the judges said.

Lieberman found one of the boys who had beaten his son hiding in a caravan near his house and hit him in the face.

He then took the boy by the collar and drove him to his home in nearby Tekoa, where he allegedly threatened to hit the boy again should he ever return to Nokdim.

The court fined Lieberman NIS 7,500 and ordered him to pay NIS 10,000 compensation to the boy he hit.

Lieberman pledged not to commit such an act within the next two years, lest he be jailed for a minimum of 10 days.

The prosecution repeatedly emphasized that plea bargains are typical in cases such as Lieberman's, and noted that he did not receive special treatment.

Though his political opponents demanded that Prime Minister Ariel Sharon immediately dismiss Lieberman following his confession, the judges shied away from the politically charged issue, though they said the incident was "an unforgivable act of violence" by a civil servant.

The judges acknowledged, however, that the highly publicized proceedings against Lieberman "hurt him more than they would an ordinary citizen."

In a stern reproach just 24 hours before the start of Yom Kippur in which Lieberman was told it is up to him to express remorse, Judge Shulamit Dotan concluded her remarks by quoting from Ecclesiastes 11: "Therefore remove vexation from your heart.