Monday, January 5, 2009

B.BarNavi-You Should Be Ashamed!

from: Gaza and the Shame of American Jewish Liberals

On January 4th, 2009 at 6:04 pm
B.BarNavi said:

Carlos and Shamwow:

Never be ashamed of who you are. And Shamwow, your words sound like some emo teen who would rather wish troubling things away rather than confront them.

Just because the Jewish state is engaging in some pretty despicable acts now doesn’t mean we should abandon it altogether. Be embarrassed now, but also work towards not making it an embarrassment.

I wonder if R’ Yoffie was ever this pliable in the Lebanon fiasco. Like I said, too many liberal Jews throw their principles to the wayside in times of war. Especially when the election of a liberal government is at stake! I also wonder if these same people would be the same if Obama was a warmonger?
This has to be one of the repulsive entries I have seen on the Self-Hate Fuhrer's site. It is a despicable act to say such things about Israel when it has been attacked for 8 years by hoodlums like Hamas!
R’ Yoffie? You once mentioned "loosing עולם הבא." Saying a phrase like "R’ Yoffie" is like denying your Maker. In any case you are being inconsistent-if you had a "conservative conversion," then why do you "recognize" a leader from a movement whom the "conservative movement" doesn't recognize (it's converts)? Why not engage more in Talmud Torah? Why go to blogs of heretics and haters of Israel and contribute to their misdeeds?

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