Saturday, October 11, 2008

Actual Dialogue between Richard Silverstein and The Anti-Self Defamation League

Justin White:
Subject: Pegler anti-semite?
    Message: Wikipedia also says: Pegler, a Catholic, was married to Julia Harpman Pegler, a onetime New York Daily News crime reporter who came from a Jewish family in Tennessee.  How do you like that? I had an orthodox conversion in Jerusalem. I could say things about the way Jews behave that are MANY times more acerbic than Mr. Pegler. Stop pretending you are innocent. When you act like an ass people will call you on it. Small towns are the only thing America has going for it.
Gmar Hatima Tova
Richard Silverstein:
    I suppose it's that Orthodox conversion that allows you to act like a total boor to a fellow Jew. Good to know that despite being a convert you show just as much disdain for yr fellow Jews as yr fellow Orthodox Jews. It must've rubbed off on you during the conversion unless you were like that before you converted.
Justin White:
Sorry, Rabbi Brenda
    I suppose it's being King Snot Conservative Reform Jew and "Rabbi Spinoza" that allows you to pretend you understand derech eretz? No, aside from all of that my friend I come from REAL USA (Virginia, went to UVA). Only after I studied at yeshiva did I realize how much my Hillel buddies hated Judaism because they were taught this from their parents. None of them have Jewish children now (but I'm "not allowed" to say this)? By the way-are you a four year old? Only four year-olds have tantrums (and spoiled Ashkenazim who write for leftist, anti-Jewish magazines who pretend to be "Jewish.") Some of us know Torah and we aren't going to be fooled by Rabbi Brenda and her post-Semitic hate rhetoric!
גמר חתימה טובה
if you can read Hebrew..
Richard Silverstein:
    I'm not a Reform Jew you am ha-aretz. I have a lot better sense of derech eretz than you. I don't insult people who don't know me from Adam and unless they insult me first.

    I don't hate Judaism or Israel. I have a Bachelor of Hebrew Literature degree from a rabbinical seminary. I spent seven years studying for a PhD in Hebrew literature. I spent years raising funds for the Jewish community. God, I hope I didn't raise any funds for groups you're affiliated with. I know more about Judaism in my little finger than you do in yr entire body.
    Do please tell me the yeshiva you're associated with so I can note publicly for all my readers the level of tolerance encouraged by whoever your rebbe is.
Justin White:
    I am probably the strongest convert of my generation. I am an Israeli citizen for 8 years. I have an exemption from Hebrew from both Tel Aviv and Hebrew University and I studied physics at Hebrew U. I would imagine that you don't raise money for Orthodox Yeshivot in J-m because that is too Jewish for you. I have been studying ACTUAL Judaism for 15 years, so I doubt you know more than I do (I am glad to write to you in Hebrew as well). If you are writing for Rabbi Brenda's hate magazine, then I DOUBT you know any Judaism except for kiss Arab ass. Maybe you are an Arab? Do you expect me to leave a note for Rabbi Brenda's lost-sheep followers? To be crucified by Seinfeld Jews? BTW: I took Sefardic minhag-that is most of the difference you are seeing here. Any Sefaradim writing for you all (I mean ones that weren't kidnapped as kids)?
Richard Silverstein:
    I told you I raised money for the Jewish community. You do understand that non-Orthodox do include the Orthodox in that definition, don't you?  It's only people like you who don't accord the same kavod to yr fellow non-Orthodox & read us out of the tribe. So yes, I raised money for many Orthodox institutions.
    What do you think the Jewish Theological Seminary teaches? Faux Judaism?  You're really a hoot. I'm going to be sharing yr nuggets of wisdom with the Conservative rabbis I know & even a few Orthodox as well. The latter will be truly chagrined to have to include a Jewish knucklehead like you among their ranks.

    BTW, because you're such a real shande fahr di yidn I'm gonna include your entire correspondence on my blog. You don't seem to care that you'll make your fellow Orthodox hate-mongers the laughingstock of the rest of the reasonable Jewish community. You'll actually make a good case study in how conversion draws into our ranks some of the worst quality of human being on earth. Not to mention that you embarrass your own Hebrew Univ. physics department with the hate you spew.
    I'd actually like you to continue writing & please intensify that hate, it comes across really well in the pages of my blog.
    BTW, only converts like you are so defensive that you feel the need to prove your Jewish 'manliness' by saying you can write to me in Hebrew, etc. It's not very persuasive but maybe it works for you in impressing others.

    And maybe you'd like to add a few examples of the Jewish behavior you've witnessed that would be so many times more acerbic than anything Pegler could offer up. That too would add to yr Jewish credibility.
Justin White:
Still Seinfelding-Still Smug
    Thanks for your smug response-please give me the address of your blog. I am proud to have a forum. By the way-what is yr? Is that the reform way of saying your? Happy to offer my "nuggets of wisdom" to Rabbi Brenda and the rest of the crew at Seinfeld.
    The "Conservative Movement" was the "Jewish Response" to the Reform Movement, just like your response to me is the heretic's response to Torah Judaism. That so-called Seminary is for sure Judianity-that don't believe that the Torah is of divine origin-so it says on a conservative "conversion."
    As for "shande fahr di yidn," I don't speak Amalek! The fact that you quote Germanic-Hebrew back to an Israeli convert basically sums up the differences between you and me, Richard.
Living in Israel, I don't have to tell you how much nonsense I have seen from Jews here. If I have to explain that to you, you are basically beyond repair-maybe Tikkun Magazine can fix you.
A Jew who doesn't know Hebrew is considered to be illiterate. Does that make you an embarrassment (I have been plugging away since 1996, sometimes on my own), or me the embarrassment for having been diligent.
    It is you and Tikkun and Rabbi Brenda and the "Reform" movement that spews hate, Richard. No worry, statistically, most Jews will be living in Israel in the future-US Jews having succumb to assimilation spear-headed by the same organizations you smugly champion.
    Lastly, one of my Rabbanim was stabbed near the Damascus Gate in the past year. Only lost Jews would champion the enemies of the Jewish People and then pretend they are making a "Tikkun." I am sure you have a way to rationalize this....
Richard Silverstein:
    You claim to be a physicist. I think you should be able to do research & figure out how to find my blog. Unfortunately, you haven't yet figured out that if you send Hebrew characters in plain text format that your reader will not be able to read them. I hope you're a better at physics than sending e mail.
The Conservative movement is as legitimate a Jewish movement as Orthodoxy or any other and has many more adherents than Orthodoxy. Unfortunately, Jews have voted w. their feet & you guys lost out.
    Thanks for calling me a heretic, a term I'm proud to wear coming from the likes of you. Your kind excommunicated Spinoza as well. I am a proud Jew whether you like it or not.
    Yiddish is not Germanic-Hebrew. I can't believe how ignorant you are. It was the language of the six million killed in the Holocaust & the language of most of yr fellow Orthodox Jews before they made aliyah. Indeed, most Orthodox Jews still DO speak Yiddish. So insult Yiddish & insult yr own religious legacy.
    You've confused by blog, Tikun Olam, with Tikkun Magazine. Are you guilty of the same carelessness when you do physics?
    I am ABD in Comparative Literature with a major in Hebrew. I can't believe you would have the chutzpah to believe I'm not fluent in Hebrew.
    You're being rather obscure in yr comments about "Rabbi Brenda." One rule of satire which you seem to have missed is that it should be understandable to your audience.
    Keep the insults coming. They look good in my blog. You will go down in Jewish infamy as one of the most smug, mean-spirited converts ever to claim the mantle of Judaism.
Justin White:
Get Things Straight
-I have no problem sending emails in Hebrew to Israel (with English mixed). Just with idiots like you there are problems.
-My father is actually Korean and mother is German-American (whoops you MESSED up). You are more inbred than I could ever be, and I see that by looking at your photo.
-I would prefer you post my complete email, because it takes me out of context.
-Thanks for the "airtime."
-I'll be back.
Justin White:
Coming After People Like You Fast And Furious
Justin White: Making The World A Better Place But Not Using The Word "Tikkun" All Of The Time
    I'd like to obviously respond to a few things on Rabbi Brenda's blog. First of all, I don't believe in this word "orthodox" when it comes to Judaism. It is a Greek work, not Hebrew (Richard should know this). Instead of saying Torah or Judaism, people like Lerner and Silverstein (and Rabbi Brenda-the mascot of the "reform" "movement"), cleverly dub post-Semitic self-hate "Judaism" "reform " or "conservative." I resent being called "Orthodox right-wing" by someone who doesn't know me personally. I like the militant part.  Do you really think that Ruth would espouse the views you do concerning Judaism and our Arab neighbors (let's leave them out of this)? She would be coming after people like you fast and furious (for sure better than I). Ruth was from Moav-a MIZRACHIT or Jew from the Middle-East. That is in contrast to people like Richard who are basically Europeans pretending to have some connection to the Judaism (when they aren't helping are enemies).
    Your comments about conversion to Judaism are cliche. The fact of the matter is that American Jewry has an intermarriage rate of over 50%. Who are the marrying? Non-Jews. What do they do? They have phony reform or conservative "conversions," where they can still eat pork and not keep Shabbat. If anything, Chabad (with whom I am not affiliated) has tried to stem the tide of intermarriage by teaching the Jew and non-Jewish spouse (or convert) ACTUAL Judaism.
    Mr. Silverstein is correct about my lack of humility. This is something for me to consider in these days of soul-searching. I hope Rabbi Brenda's protege is doing the same. A Good Year To All!
-from the Israeli-American militant Korean-Pennsylvania Dutch red-neck convert to Judaism!
Richard Silverstein:
    The idiot dear boy is you who doesn't know how to send an e mail in html format.
    And thanks for pointing out the racism is judging whether I am "inbred" (whatever the hell that means) from my picture. That's certainly worthy of Hitler's racialism. This is gonna look great tonight on my blog in a new post.
Justin White:
Sneaky Kapo
Richard Silverstein: Sneaky Kapo
    Richard-must we hear your moronic commentaries? A true European control freak you are! It would be better if you just posted my letters. In fact, if you want to make TIKKUN-just make it MY blog! It is like Rashi gone horribly wrong.
    You are the first person EVER to compare me to Hitler (lehavdil). I guess that shows what Berkley does to a Jewish mind (and maybe a lot of drugs?) I didn't strip you of being Jewish-you did it to yourself Richard. You are a shanda to yourself! By the way-I know people here who are studying Yiddish academically and individually-it is FOR SURE German-Hebrew-in fact German of the Middle Ages (get your facts straight Ashka-boy). I was in Beni Barak for Rosh Hashana. Those Yiddish speaking people I saw there wouldn't agree with what you say and you probably hate them for who they are-don't pretend to be so philo-Jewish Richard. This is a glowing sign of your shallowness-a result of having had a bankrupt Jewish education like so many of your fellow Arab-hugging self-hating confused "reformers."
    You post monsters like Daniel Barenboim and you try to label be as "anti-Semitic?" No one loves Semitism more than I do. You don't know what Semitism is, my silver-haired adversary. I have been involved with Jews of Arab countries from day one. Only KAPOS like you try to be sneaky and turn the guilt around. Richard Silverstein-the post-Semite! (I'm sure you don't have the guts to post this paragraph.)
    You consider me an extremist because you are so far from your own religion. Would you consider Samuel an extremist for killing the King of Amalek? Would you consider Moses an extremist for having killed an Egyptian (who attacked a Jew)? It is the "enlightened" "Jew" like yourself who would. Why don't you think about that on Yom Kippur? Your soul needs whiting.
PS: I am not a baal-tsuvah. A baal-tsuvah is someone who was born to a Jewish mother and then became observant. A convert is a convert. I am a convert to Judaism. If you became observant, Richard, you would be a baal-tsuvah. Who is the ignoramus?
Richard Silverstein:
    Oh when you claim that I'm inbred and not Jewish that's VERY PERSONAL. Not
to mention all the other disgusting things you said.
    As for yr warning to "be careful," if that was even an intimation of a
threat you don't scare me.
-----Original Message-----
From: Justin White []
Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2008 3:34 AM
To: Richard
Subject: be careful
    You don't have to make this so personal. Comments like "twisted human being like Justin White" are unacceptable.
Justin White:
The Anti-Self Defamation League is Born
No threat..For someone who is not scared you sure behave that way. You made your blog "Red-Neck Baal-Tseuvah" when I am nether a red-neck not a hozer b-tsuvah you were wrong on both counts even when trying to slander me. When you mock a convert you are breaking 2 Torah mitzvot (love your fellow Jew AND love the convert). The fact that you would call a convert an anti-Semite as well as (to no shame) compare to a Nazi (which you Leftists LOVE to do) shows what level you are on Jewishly. I was foolish to think someone like you would be capable of more. Anyhow, I agreed to share my thoughts, even though you have taken me out of context. However, I have limits for the tar and feathering I am willing to take. Your comments are your business, but when you accuse me of being in line with people who murdered Jews-that is really beyond the pale. I suggest you choose a different way expressing yourself. In any case you have inspired me to found The Anti-Self-Defamation League-seriously. Have an easy fast! I wish the best to you and all around you...
Richard Silverstein:
    When you deny a fellow Jew membership in the Jewish people you are breaking some pretty fundamental mitzvot. I cannot love a convert who hates me as a Jew. I am not mocking you. I am allowing you to speak in yr own words.  Your own words mock you to anyone who has a reasonable perspective on these issues.
    Any Orthodox Jew who speaks with hatred about all non-Orthodox Jews IS by definition an anti-Semite. If you hate the majority of the Jewish people, then you hate Jews. No other way to look at it I'm afraid.
Justin White:
Shine On
    I don't HATE anyone. You are not being honest. You are taking clips of what I said and then giving me your secular "Rashi" commentary to tar and feather me.  An anti-Semite is one who is again Semitism. Websters says:
1 : of, relating to, or constituting a subfamily of the Afro-Asiatic language family that includes Hebrew, Aramaic, Arabic, and Amharic

    I have studied Hebrew, Aramaic, and Arabic. I know Hebrew fluently. I LOVE Semitism. I am not against Semitism, I am very much for it. I am not against non-Orthodox Jews because I don't think there is more than one kind of Jew. There is only Torah Judaism. I have stated that before, so what you are saying in this instance has no validity.
    If you take a diamond and throw it into a pile on manure or in a sewer for a thousand years, someone will still want that diamond. It retains its value. A Jew is a diamond. You, Richard, are a dirty diamond. Use this special time of year to sparkle once again. Shine on you crazy diamond!
Richard Silverstein:
    You're a liar. He knows you. You know him. If you claim you don't know the rabbis whose initials BarNavi mentions then you're an even worse liar than I thought. And if I ever find out which rabbis are mentioned I'll forward yr e mails to them personally.

    You haven't had a constructive thing to say since you published your first comment in my blog.
Justin White:
We Are The Champions
    Gee honey-if those people knew me, wouldn't they ALREADY have my email? I should charge you for having spiced up your pathetic blog-that is your holiday present. BarNavi means son of a prophet. That guy has no prophetic heritage from what I read. Why didn't you publish my responses Richard? I don't associate with people like that, as you could guess. Don't worry about yourself though, Richard-I've got your number-literally. Based on your sound of desperation and your unwillingness to actually speak to me, I'll assume I've won this blog.
Justin White-Jerusalem, Israel
President of the Anti-Self-Defamation League
P.S. I converted in Israel with a Haredi beit din-USA's opinion not really relevant.

1 comment:

Justin White said...

Update Sept. 11, 2009

Yiddish is not Germanic-Hebrew. I can't believe how ignorant you are. It was the language of the six million killed in the Holocaust & the language of most of yr fellow Orthodox Jews before they made aliyah. Indeed, most Orthodox Jews still DO speak Yiddish. So insult Yiddish & insult yr own religious legacy.

Yiddish is certainly Old German and Hebrew mixed-you are the ignoramus. Only Ashkenazim spoke Yiddish-you forgot all of the Mizrachim that came to Israel-the majority here now. Only Haredim-mainly Hassidim speak Yiddish. Lituanian Jews less and Mizrachim almost none. You didn't learn much during your two years here, huh, Richard?