Monday, January 19, 2009

Silverstein's Bigoted World: Sefardic Jews Didn't Suffer-NILI Takes Him To Task!

Unknown blogger "NILI" Steals The Show On Lil Richard's Self-Hate Highway

Having long been a self-proclaimed anti-racist "champion," Richard Silverstein reveals himself to be a hypocrite and an anti-Sefardic Jew-hater.

from Comments On:
Lies Jeffrey Goldberg Told Me (About Gaza)

On January 17th, 2009 at 7:38 PM
Peter said:

Richard Silverstein writes:

“700,000 Israeli Arabs left/were “cleansed” from Israel during the 1948 war.”

My response:

1. This “cleansing” would never have happened at all had it not been for the invasion of Israel (within the teeny borders set by the 1947 UN Partition Plan) of armed forces of Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, and Iraq, whose leaders were BOASTING joyfully of their plans to literally genocidally massacre all Palestinian Jews (the term “Palestinian” in those days referred to anyone living in Palestine - Arab, Christian, or Jewish). So if you want to talk about “ethnic cleansing” - this was the Arab leaders’ openly expressed intent. People who talk about Israel’s “ethnic cleansing” in 1948 seem to completely forget that the responsibility for this war falls on the Arabs, who were the aggressors. If they hadn’t invaded, there would have been no Palestinian Arab refugees.

2. The Arab exodus from Palestine in 1948 was complicated. Many of the local Palestinian Arab businessmen, political leaders, intelligentsia, etc quietly slipped out of the country even before the outbreak of hostilities. There were cases of Jews trying to convince the local Arabs to remain, notably in Haifa. Those Arabs who were “encouraged” to leave were feared, sometimes with good reason, to pose an existential threat, since they were harboring and aiding Arab armed forces who had a stranglehold on the road to Jerusalem, where the Jewish community there was totally besieged.

3. An equal or likely greater number (I’ve heard estimates in the 700,000 - 800,000 range) of Jews were expelled immediately after the war by Arab countries: notably Iraq, Yemen, and Morroco, but really all the Arab countries, Syria, Tunisia, Egypt, Algeria, … right down the line. These were Jews who had absolutely nothing to do with the 1948 fighting. They were minding their own business living their civilian lives, and suddenly their property and life savings were confiscated and they were forced to flee.

Why is it that so few people who talk about the Palestinian refugees, don’t also talk about the Jewish refugees? They seem to have nothing to say about the ethnic cleansing of Jews. Why not? Shouldn’t some compensation for their losses be part of any comprehensive settlement of the conflict?

On January 17th, 2009 at 9:55 PM
Richard Silverstein said:

This “cleansing” would never have happened at all had it not been for the invasion of Israel

What rot. What you mean is that if the Arab states had accepted the UN partition plan that Israel would not have had an excuse to rid itself of significant portion of its Arab population as Ben Gurion would no doubt wish it could do (& did when he had the proper excuse). Besides, there was no strategic reason whatsoever to expel the Arabs. They posed no threat to Israel. They were not armed. They were quiescent. There isn’t a single recorded incident in which an Israeli Arab used violence against Israel in 1948. So blaming the Arab states for the expulsion is pathetic reasoning.

Besides you have no idea how Israel would’ve treated its Arab population had the Arabs accepted it. They might still have found reason to emasculate, discriminate against or even expel it as they have done since 1948.

The Arab exodus from Palestine in 1948 was complicated

Ah yes, “complicated.” That’s the word you people use for any incident involving Israel which is a tad uncomfortable to explain to people who don’t have a natural set of pro-Israel sympathies.

Those Arabs who were “encouraged” to leave were feared, sometimes with good reason, to pose an existential threat…

“Feared” maybe. But feared justifiably, for any good reason? You say they posed an “existential threat” (interesting term–did they possess nuclear weapons like the Iranians hope to have?). Yet the only threat you can muster is that they sheltered Arab forces. Even if yr claim has any validity, how does sheltering someone pose an existential threat to Israel?

quietly slipped out of the country

“Slipped out of the country?” Really? Why don’t you provide a few examples.

There were cases of Jews trying to convince the local Arabs to remain, notably in Haifa.

You say there were “cases” and you name one. Yes, there may’ve been a few singular cases in which some local Zionist leader had a shred of conscience and understood how retaining Arab residents would work in Israel’s favor after the war ended. Those few certainly had some moral compass. But what about the rest?

An equal or likely greater number (I’ve heard estimates in the 700,000 - 800,000 range) of Jews were expelled immediately after the war by Arab countries: notably Iraq, Yemen, and Morroco, but really all the Arab countries, Syria, Tunisia, Egypt, Algeria, … right down the line.

This is either based on utter ignorance of the facts of willful lying. You’ve “heard” estimates. How did you hear them? From the tooth fairy whispering in your ear? Where do they come from? Do you have a CREDIBLE (not partisan pro Israel ideological) source? For example, Morrocco did NOT expel any Jews. On the contrary, the king begged Jews to stay. It was Zionist representatives who spread fear there through rumormongering about the dangers Jews there would face if they did NOT emigrate. Unfortunately, most Jews were convinced and left. But not for Israel. Most Jews went to France and other Francophone countries. And if your claims about Morrocco are so bogus we can’t believe your claims about any of the other countries.

No one is claiming that life for Jews in Arab lands was a bowl of cherries. But it turned out to be a helluva lot better than it was for the Jews of Europe. There were never massacres of Jews in Arab lands. Inequality? Yes. But Jew-hatred on the scale of the Crusades, Inquisition or Holocaust? Never.

There was no ethnic cleansing of Jews. Do provide us the least bit of credible evidence.

On January 18th, 2009 at 3:52 AM
LD said:

The Arab ethnic cleansing by ISRAEL is not complicated.

Read Benny Morris’s essay on this during the 80s. Read Christopher Hitchen’s essay on this during the 80s.

BOTH cite the declassified IDF report that quantifies the reasons for the exodus.

The old claim of Arab radios was debunked. The reasons, as stated in the IDF report was due to JEWISH TERRORISM and that fear instilled into the Arabs.

They were driven from their homes.

This is only complicated for Zionist apologists just as it is ‘complicated’ for Nazis to accept the Holocaust.

People don’t like the truth when it reveals them or their cause to be a farce, a charade, etc.

On January 18th, 2009 at 4:35 AM
NILI said:

@Peter and Richard

“There isn’t a single recorded incident in which an Israeli Arab used violence against Israel in 1948.”
Not true. According to the Israeli high school matriculation program Arabs were planting bombs even before ‘48. I have eleven such classes digitally recorded and can send them.

“But what about the rest?”
It is a known fact that Moshe Dayan used the IDF to block Arabs from leaving Israel. Dayan had a good relationship with the Arabs and knew Arabic fluently. He related this in the A&E biography about his life.

“Do you have a CREDIBLE (not partisan pro Israel ideological) source?”
There is a documentary called the Forgotten Refugees in which it discusses just this issue-the expulsion of Jews from Arab countries. According to the film, the yellow patch that Nazis forced Jews to wear came from Muslim countries in the 8th century-Jews and Christians were made to wear them. Jews were considered “10th class citizens”-Dhimmi. It says “They would pull babies apart from their limbs until they broke. They would rape women and daughters in front of the families.” “My mother had to run through roof tops to escape the mob that was out to kill many of the Jews in her neighborhood.”

“On the contrary, the king begged Jews to stay”
The Insight Guide on Morocco (not about Jews mind you) relates that Jews were nailed to the doors of their houses during one period of Moroccan history.

“And if your claims about Morocco are so bogus we can’t believe your claims about any of the other countries.”
The documentary mentioned above systematically refutes this statement.

“It was Zionist representatives who spread fear there through rumor mongering about the dangers Jews there would face if they did NOT emigrate.”
Haj Amin al Husseini said “Arabs, rise as one man and fight for your sacred rights. Kill the Jews wherever you find them.” Jews around the Middle East felt this and were alerted. The documentary relates “When I witnessed the persecution…within the city within the country of Iraq, I came to the decision-my parents also-that country wasn’t our country and we had to leave!”

“There were never massacres of Jews in Arab lands. Inequality?”
According to Forgotten Refugees, in 1912 there was a massacre of several hundred Jews in Fez-it was because of this incident that Jews were forced to live tightly together.

“There was no ethnic cleansing of Jews. Do provide us the least bit of credible evidence.”
The Jews of Egypt and other Arab countries left EVERYTHING-their businesses and land (and in Morocco). The Egyptian government stamped on the passports of Jews “one-way-don’t come back.” In Libya, the community was emptied completely-”cleansed.” The documentary says “all told nearly 1 million Jews fled Arab countries and Iran and hundreds of Jewish communities have been ethnically cleansed…”

In addition, 500,000 people attended the public hangings of Jews in Baghdad by Saddam Hussein. After the Six-Day War there were concentration camps in Egypt called Abu Zaba-they were beaten and tortured. The UN has established resolutions concerning Arab refugees but not one mentions Jews of Arab countries. According to Professor Maurice Roumani, here are the figures of the Jewish population then and now (1944/2004)

The Forgotten Refugees Documentary DVD Is Available At:


Anonymous said...

i found this on another blog, very funny.

The Little Dickie Silverstein Marching Song

I am a little kapo,
It makes my mommy mad,
Cause when I am a kapo,
Those Zionists get sad!

I celebrate the jihad,
and terror all the while,
I fill my blog and web page,
With loud salutes of Sieg Heil!

I want to see them Zraelis,
All dumped out in the sea,
My swastika a waving,
Cause everything’s bout me.

Anonymous said...

Hi Justin,


"The Forgotten Refugees" is the only documentary we are distributing at this time.
I really enjoyed reading your blog.


Sasha Giler

Program Coordinator/Researcher

The David Project
P. O. Box 52390
Boston, MA 02110
tel. 617 428 0012