Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Isi Leibler: Taming Bradley

Although I’m not sure I’d refer to Rabin as a “true Zionist,” Mr. Leibler makes some noteworthy points in his self-defense against Burston and Strenger.

Last update – 12:05 10/11/2009
Response / On ‘exorcising’ Israel bashers from the Jewish mainstream
By Isi Leibler
Although no stranger to controversial encounters, I was nevertheless taken aback by the extraordinary misrepresentation of my views by Bradley Burston (Dovish Jews? They love Israel? Excommunicate them) and especially Carlo Strenger (Memo to Jewish haters of Liberals: The Middle Ages are over).
I have written a number of columns criticizing extremist Israeli and Diaspora Jews whose principal political activities are geared toward delegitimizing the Jewish state and who currently occupy leading roles fuelling global anti-Israeli campaigns (Why Make a Fuss about JStreet? and Marginalize the Renegades).
I referred in particular to a number of Israeli academics who abuse academic freedom by exploiting their universities as launching pads to vilify Israel, identify with Israel’s enemies and even call for global boycotts of their own institutions. It would be inconceivable for the authorities to adopt a laissez-faire approach toward racists or radical right wing extremist academics behaving in this manner. In a nation under siege and facing existential threats, people exploiting academia for such purposes have crossed the red line and should not retain tenure at institutions funded by Israeli taxpayers and Diaspora Zionist philanthropists.
I also related to a small but increasing number of Diaspora Jews who share a one-dimensional global agenda of demonizing and delegitimizing Israel. I am not referring to “doves” or critics of Israeli policy but those who exploit their Jewish antecedents solely in order to demonize Israel. For example, those who partake in demonstrations with groups supporting Hamas and Hezbollah. Or those responsible for disseminating what was subsequently proven to have been malicious libels against the IDF which created the climate for the global campaign depicting us as war criminals – as embodied in the Goldstone report.
In this context, I was also critical of J Street not because of their views but their preposterously false attempts to portray themselves as pro-Israel. J Street has never endorsed any substantive Israel government policies and their principal objective is to lobby the Obama administration to exert more pressure on Israel to provide additional unilateral concessions. They opposed Israel’s role in the Gaza war, lobbied Congress to oppose sanctions against Iran and recently urged Congress to water down a resolution criticizing the Goldstone report. The “pro-Israel, pro-peace” pretensions of J Street are reminiscent of the Jewish communists who sponsored state sponsored Soviet anti-Semitism in the guise of promoting bogus “peace” campaigns.
Their right and that of other Israel bashing groups to express their views are not being challenged. But that does not mean that establishment Jewish groups should indulge in kumbaya with those systematically trying to undermine the Jewish state.
I stand by my view that those whose primary goal is to delegitimize and demonize the Jewish state – such as radical right wing extremists or racists – should be marginalized from the mainstream Jewish community. That is not fascism. It is common sense.
I observed that self loathing Jews are not a new phenomenon in Jewish history. During the Middle Ages, Jewish apostates were exploited by the church to promote the most obscene libels against their kinsman. That paved the way for subsequent pogroms and massacres. I noted that during that period, such renegades were excommunicated. To suggest as did Burston and Strenger that I seek to reintroduce “excommunication” to deal with “doves” or critics of Israeli policy is an unconscionable misrepresentation of what I wrote.
More disturbingly, Carlo Strenger joins those exploiting the memory of Yitzhak Rabin to cynically intimidate and silence their opponents. But he goes further. He implies that my views “could be taken seriously by someone like Yaakov Teitel,” the alleged fiendish deranged Jewish terrorist. I will not dignify such an obscene assertion by a response.
On a broader level, Strenger’s references to Rabin are symptomatic of an increasing trend by those on the far left to invoke the memory of our assassinated Prime Minister in order to suppress public criticism of their agenda.
I was privileged to know Rabin and met with him on numerous occasions. I remember how he repeatedly reiterated his hope that “the gamble for peace” as he described the Oslo Accords, would succeed. Alas, in the absence of a genuine peace partner, his gamble failed and became the incubator for our current problems.
But even after the Oslo Accords proved to have been an absolute disaster, most of us recognized that Rabin’s sole motivations were to promote the interests of the Jewish state and achieve a genuine peace settlement. Rabin was above all a consummate Israeli patriot and a true Zionist.
It is thus disturbing to observe post-Zionists and extremists, whose views Rabin utterly detested, abusing his memory in order to promote their discredited policies and silence their opponents. I can just visualize the expletives he would have uttered had he been asked to send an Israeli ambassador to participate at a convention of American Jews like J Street whose principal objective was to persuade their president to exercise “tough love” on Israel because they decided that the Jewish state needed to be treated like a parent who treats a drug addicted child.
Israel and the committed global Jewish community encompass a wide range of opinions on matters relating to the future of the Jewish state. However, I have no doubt that had Rabin been alive, he too would have endeavored to “exorcise” (Thesaurus “disentangle” or “remove”) from the mainstream, those Israelis and Jews who actively seek to demonize the state, defame the IDF, lobby foreign governments against Israel or oppose a Jewish democratic state.
Isi Leibler can be reached ileibler@netvision.net.il

Monday, November 9, 2009

יהודיות פמיניסטיות גורמות לבעיות בכותל

כנראה שבחוצפה שלה, האישה הזאת “הופמן” לא מבינה שהרב עובדיה לא ילך “להיפגש” עם הנשים האלו. הנה יש עוד מקרה של המזרח מתנגשים עם המערב. הרב עובדיה הוא הרב הספרדי המובהק בעולם והופמן היא עוד יהודיה אשכנזית פמיניסטית מבובלת עםראשה עדיין בגלות.
הרב עובדיה יוסף

הרב עובדיה יוסף: נשים המתעטפות בטלית ומניחות תפילין הן טיפשות

בשיעורו השבועי תקף הרב את נשות הכותל מהתנועה הרפורמית והקונסרווטיווית, המאמצות הלכות המוטלות על גברים

נשים המתעטפות בטלית ומניחות תפילין הן “טיפשות”, ויש להוקיע אותן – כך הבהיר הערב (שבת) מנהיגה הרוחני של ש”ס, הרב עובדיה יוסף, שהתייחס במיוחד ל”נשות הכותל” – מהתנועה הרפורמית והקונסרווטיווית, וכאלה המגדירות עצמן כאורתודוקסיות – המאמצות שורה של הלכות המוטלות על גברים.
בשיעורו השבועי עסק הרב בהלכות קידוש בשבת, ובין השאר הזכיר מצבים שבהם אשה יכולה “להוציא” גבר ידי חובת קידוש, כאשר היא אומרת את הקידוש והוא המאזין. עם זאת, ציין, “תפילין היא צריכה להיזהר לא לשים. יש טיפשות שבאות לכותל המערבי, שמות טלית ומתפללות. אלו שוטים. רוצות שוויון, לא רוצים שם שמיים, צריך להוקיע אותן ולהיזהר”, אמר הרב.
ענת הופמן, יו”ר נשות הכותל, מסרה בתגובה כי היא מזמינה את הרב למפגש היכרות אתה ועם חברותיה. “הרב עובדיה יוסף”, אמרה, “קובע מניעים שליליים לקבוצת הנשים המתפללות בכותל מבלי להכיר אף אחת. מאחר והמניע של הקבוצה הוא יראת שמיים, אני מזמינה אותו בשם נשות הכותל להיפגש איתנו ולהכיר”.
מנכ”ל התנועה המסורתית, יזהר הס, אמר כי “חבל שהרב עובדיה יוסף, תלמיד חכם וגדול בתורה, מתיר לעצמו לזלזל כך במהפכה הנשית שכובשת את הרחוב היהודי בארץ ובעולם”. גם הוא הזמין את הרב להשתתף הרב בתפילות ב’כותל המסורתי’, הסמוך לקשת רובינסון, “שבו מתקיימים מניינים מעורבים בהם נשים וגברים עטופים בטליתות, וחלק מהנשים אף מניחות תפילין”, כדי ש”יחוש את יראת השמיים, ויתמלא כלימה

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Summary Of "The J Street Experience"

At the J Street meeting

By Lori Lowenthal Marcus
The Washington conference of the new organization "J Street" took place on October 25-28. It was a fascinating but scary cultural experience.

For three days I watched hundreds of intensely pious people sitting under an awning that reads "pro-Israel, pro-peace." But by far the dearest hopes of the folks on J Street were for the well-being, and especially the sovereignty, of a people whose leadership has stated repeatedly that its goal is to destroy Israel and murder Jews. 

I saw two overarching themes defining this conference: one, Iran is not a problem we care about; and two, a Palestinian State must be created now (What do we want? A Palestinian State! When do we want it? Now!), and both the Israelis and the Palestinians are so dysfunctional that only the Obama administration can achieve it. Palestine Now! was the battle cry of the conference, but the utter lack of concern regarding the Iranian threat is the real proof that J Street is not at its essence pro-Israel.

First, a fact: although it is difficult to get Israelis to agree on anything, there is one issue on which there is near unanimity among them: Iran presents an imminent and devastating threat to the existence of the State of Israel. It is the single biggest security concern amongst nearly all Israelis of every political and religious stream.

The J-Conference organizers devoted only one of the thirty-two sessions to the issue of Iran, and that session focused solely on the success of diplomacy. The speakers and the moderator of that session were aggressively anti-anything-other-than-diplomacy, so there was nothing for audience members to consider as a legitimate alternative.

But most disturbing was the nearly complete silence about Iran other than by Israeli speakers and a few American politicians who, presumably, assumed a "pro-Israel" gathering would want reassurances on the topic. Those politicians were wrong.

In other words, the overwhelming majority of those who came to the J Street conference understood the code words "pro-Israel" to have no bearing on what Israelis might find most important to their security. The threat of Iran to Israel simply plays no role in the narrative that motivated so many hundreds of people to identify with and join the J Street team.

Think of it: an oil-rich nation near Israel pursues nuclear power, refuses to eschew nuclear weapons, denies the Holocaust from the podium of the United Nations, and threatens to wipe Israel off the map -- and the enormous audience the J Street leadership claims as its own, an organization calling itself "pro-Israel, pro-peace," doesn't really give a hoot.

This was too hard even for Obama political appointees to grasp. U.S. National Security Advisor General James Jones, in his keynote address attended by nearly all conference participants, did mention Iran as a threat to Israel. Jones assured the sandwiched-in crowd that the United States stands with Israel in facing Iran. 

But there was little audience response. A far different reaction -- rapturous applause -- met nearly every mention of alleviating Palestinian suffering and the "Palestine Now!" mantra.

I heard one or two mentions of Iran by non-Israeli "experts." Each time it was discussed in the context of that country's hostility to Israel being "neutralized" by the immediate creation of a Palestinian State.

The link between Iran and the posthaste demand for a Palestinian State, the lectures went, was that taking that bold step would not only quell unrest amongst Palestinians and Israelis, but it would also stabilize the entire Middle East and end global terrorism.
A straight-up articulation of this Palestine Now! equals Global Peace theme was by Salam al-Marayati, a source of acrimonious controversy in advance of the conference. (Al-Marayati had immediately pointed to Israel as the likely source of the attacks on the World Trade Center.) At J Street, Al-Marayati informed his audience that the absence of a Palestinian State is a major source of the current violence in Pakistan, and that it is the central issue "critical to the hearts and minds" of all 1.5 billion Muslims worldwide.

But it was not only controversy-generating Muslims who were intoxicated by the desire for a Palestinian State. Former Israeli Minister of Foreign Affairs Shlomo Ben-Ami explained that it is only President Obama who can achieve this because "there is no chance whatever to reach settlement by ourselves; it is entirely out of the question." This is because both Israel and the Palestinians have such "dysfunctional political systems."  

Several other Israelis who were once members of Israeli governments, or who are aligned with former (but not current) leaders pushed the presto Palestine line. Virtually every one of them was heavily invested in the Oslo Accords and the Geneva Initiatives, both peace plans that literally blew up. Of course, to the extent the failures of these "peace" efforts were acknowledged at all, their failures were attributed to Israel's not having capitulated far and fast enough. Like the food in the Jewish resort described long ago: it tasted terrible and the portions were too small.

The desperation driving some of the rhetoric worked itself out in the form of veiled threats. Ron Pundak, whose ink is on both the Oslo Accords and the Geneva Initiative, and who is currently the Director General of the Peres Center for Peace, was practically frenzied. 

Pundak went beyond merely promoting Palestine Now! as a sure way to soothe the Iranians and bring regional peace -- he said "the only real answer to the Iranian threat is peace with the Palestinians." Pundak claimed that if such a state is not created immediately, Arabs will live in ghettos in situations even worse, possibly, than those of blacks in South Africa during the eighties and nineties.

Many anecdotes have been reported about the conference, but I believe these two themes offer an important insight. How does J Street's claim of "pro-Israel" square with being deaf to the threat Iran poses to Israel's security, and what does it mean for a group to be so utterly invested in Palestine Now! that the participation of the parties and even the peace process itself is jettisoned? Could it be that these themes are complementary? The immediate creation of a Palestinian State will mean the end of Israel, and therefore Iran will not pose a problem.  

Lori Lowenthal Marcus is the co-founder of Z STREET ziostreet.wordpress.com

Page Printed from: http://www.americanthinker.com/2009/11/at_the_j_street_meeting.html at n November 05, 2009 - 07:06:50 AM EST

Lori Lowenthal Marcus
Z STREET co-founder

Z Street: Reader Response Needed

1. Hold your nose
2.  Look at this

3.  please write a POLITE and SHORT letter to The New Yorker, including at least one fact, to

cc: 18zstreet@gmail.com 

Here are two excellent sources for facts:


The rhetoric by Arab leaders on behalf of the alleged 'Palestinian' people rings hollow. Arabs never established a Palestinian state in 1947 when the UN recommended to partition Palestine. Nor did the Arabs recognize or establish a Palestinian state during the two decades prior to the Six-Day War; nor did the Arabs cry out for autonomy or independence during those years when Judea and Samaria were under Jordanian control and the Gaza Strip was under Egyptian control. So much for facts and accuracy.

The Goldstone Report is a 500-page document that reverses perpetrator and victim, falsely accuses Israel of “deliberate attacks” against civilians, and ignores the genocidal anti-Semitism of the Hamas terrorist organization. (For more, seewww.unwatch.org/goldstone.)
Shabbat Shalom,

Lori Lowenthal Marcus
Z STREET co-founder

Friday, November 6, 2009

גולדסטון מכר אותנו אל האומות

זה מה שקורה כאשר יהודי אחד מפליל את חברו.  עכשיו העולם כולו הרשיע ישראל על סמך מסקנתו של יהודי אחד! 

עודכן ב- 01:09 06/11/2009

מליאת האו"ם אימצה את דו"ח גולדסטון

ההחלטה התקבלה ברוב של 114 מדינות לעומת 18 מתנגדות; שגרירת ישראל באו"ם: זה היה משחק מכור

מאת שלמה שמיר, נטשה מוזגוביה וסוכנויות הידיעות

מליאת האו"ם אימצה הלילה (שישי) את מסקנות דו"ח גולדסטון ברוב של 114 מדינות, לעומת 18 מתנגדות ו-44 נמנעות. טיוטת ההצעה עליה הצביעה המליאה נוסחה בידי מדינות ערביות.

ארה"ב וישראל התנגדו להצעה וכמותן גם קנדה, גרמניה, אוסטרליה, הונגריה, צ'כיה, פנמה, הולנד, פלאו ואוקראינה. רוב מדינות האיחוד האירופי ובהן צרפת ובריטניה נמנעו בהצבעה.

ההחלטה קוראת למזכ"ל האו"ם, באן קי-מון, להעביר את הדו"ח למועצת הביטחון של האו"ם. אולם, הסיכויים שהיא תתקבל שם הם נמוכים לנוכח זכות הווטו של ארה"ב. בנוסף כוללת ההחלטה דרישה מממשלת ישראל לקיים חקירה פנימית עצמאית ואמינה בהתנהגות צה"ל בעת מבצע עופרת יצוקה. ההצעה אמנם נמנעת מלאזכר את חמאס בשמו, אך היא קוראת ל"צד הפלסטיני" לקיים חקירה פנימית בממצאי הדו"ח הנוגעים לפלסטינים.

סגן שגרירת ישראל באו"ם, דניאל כרמון, אמר למליאת האו"ם כי ההחלטה "מאמצת ומעניקה לגיטימציה לדו"ח חד צדדי ומוטה של המועצה לזכויות האדם, שעבודתה נגועה בפוליטיקה ומעוותת את העובדות ואת החוק". שגרירת ישראל באו"ם, הפרופסור גבריאלה שלו, אמרה ל"הארץ" לפני ההצבעה כי "זה היה משחק מכור של המדינות הערביות".

גולדסטון: היה לי קשה לסרב לקבל מנדט שכתבתי בעצמי

בתוך כך, השופט גולדסטון קיים הערב עימות עם שגריר ישראל לשעבר באו"ם, דורי גולד, שתקף אותו בחריפות. "היה לי קשה לסרב לקבל מנדט שכתבתי בעצמי, כשהתבקשתי לתקן את הטיית המנדט המקורי של הוועדה", אמר גולדסטון. "החוק הבינלאומי למעשה דורש מישראל להגן על אזרחיה. צר לי שלא נתנו לנו להגיע לשדרות לדבר עם משפחות הנפגעים".

גולד אמר כי הדו"ח הזה הוא "ההכתמה הכי נבזית של ישראל הנושאת חותמת האו"ם. הטענה שישראל תקפה בכוונה אזרחים פלסטינים, זה עלבון לכל מה שישראל מייצגת. השבוע נעצרה ספינת נשק איראנית, ולצערי אין לי ציפיות שגוף כלשהו מהאו"ם יפנה תשומת לב למעורבות עקבית של איראן במאמצים להקל על ביצוע תקיפות נגד אזרחי ישראל".

Thursday, November 5, 2009

JStreet: Not Kosher!

    In the aftermath of the JStreet convention, the "suggested menu" of the "Jewish" J Street Staff included a host of non-kosher restaurants.  Did the JStreeters think that this would add to their credibility, or did they just not care?