Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Richard Silverstein: Just Another Confused Jew In Exile

The Self-Hate Fuhrer has published a new tirade in the Guardian: American Jewish groups must speak up over Gaza. The Anti-Self Defamation League was initially establish to respond to the malicious lies of people like Silverstein, who pretend to be open “liberals,” but who in fact live by censorship and viciously attack anyone who doesn’t hold by their views. Here is a prime opportunity to make use of real freedom!
Silverstein writes:

While Israel’s savage assault against Hezbollah in Lebanon during the 2006 war generated an uproar, one wonders whether the massacres that occurred in Gaza crossed a moral threshhold. Can an effort to end Israeli impunity have real impact, both in terms of influencing world opinion and of impacting on Israeli behaviour? Israel has become an expert at wearing down its opponents, honing such skills during 40 years of occupation of the West Bank and Gaza. The question is: what, if anything, can the peace community do differently this time?
Nonsense-the “Palestinians” have become experts in wearing down Israel-a War of Attrition which, unfortunately, has “Jewish” participants-namely the author. The Land Of Israel has been occupied by non-Jews for almost two thousand years, and the world has not cried out. The occupation here is that of the Jewish spirit-the occupation of the Nation of Israel not being loyal to its vow “We Will Do And Obey” (Exodus 24:7). People like Richard Silverstein only worsen this crime-the origin of occupation. Perhaps the peace community can reconsider it’s sinister hypocrisy and reevaluate it’s condemnation of Judaism and it’s precepts-especially Mr. Silverstein, who has made a career out of misrepresenting the Jewish tradition and Jews living outside of Israel.
He asserts lastly:
Israel’s policy has verged on madness. Nor has it achieved its objective of pacifying Gaza or toppling Hamas. And isn’t one of the definitions of madness to repeat a behaviour even after it has failed, with the conviction that it will succeed the next time? When you see a loved one or family member descending into self-destruction, you reach out and help. My goal is to turn Israel away from the path of madness.
Madness? When Arabs launch attacks against Israeli civilians-collective punishment-you have nothing to say. But, when Israel asserts its right to retaliate and protect Israelis-including Arab Israelis-you scream “justice!” Why? Also, it is obviously galut Jews (Jews of the exile) who are descending into oblivion. Here is the National Jewish Population Survey 2000-01: Strength, Challenge and Diversity in the American Jewish Population. The facts speak for themselves: Israel’s Jewish population is growing at a steady rate and America’s Jewish population is declining. It seems that Mr. Silverstein is using his misguided views as a vehicle to blur the real issues that are devastating the Jewish community today-assimilation, apathy, and liturgical ignorance. Perhaps “tikkun atzmi” (fixing oneself) should be his new approach.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Leave Your Baggage Behind

Secular commentator Gideon Levy has a new article online and it is ripe with new ideas about the religion of Abraham in the State Of Israel. Let’s get started:
Levy writes:
and millions of Israelis joyfully read out praise in the Passover Hagaddah for genocide-jihad by means of horrific plagues and drowning infants-it’s time to admit it: We live in a religious country.
Well, it says in the Israeli Declaration Of Independence that Israel must be a democracy and Jewish. That is why you see a religious country. There were horrific plagues because the Egyptians were drowning Jewish babies. Is everything clear now?
He continues:
We must admit that this society has rather dark religious aspects. Foreigners landing in Israel might ask themselves what country they’re in: Iran, Afghanistan or Saudi Arabia? In any case, it’s not the liberal, secular and enlightened society it purports to be.
The Torah is called “light”(דאורייתא). Foreigners that I know who bother to come here usually try to look at Judaism with an open mind-perhaps herein lies your problem! It purports to be because it gets funded by a powerful Western democratic country (USA). The countries you named are Muslim countries-so let them be Muslims. This is a Jewish country-so why can’t you let us be Jews? Because you have to Enlighten us to death? Secular Zionists like you will hypocritically go after Jews in the exile for being assimilated and not “Israeli” enough! This is the occupation you speak of accusingly-the occupation of self-appointed intellectuals like yourself who refuse to let Jews be Jews in their Land. Furthermore, Israel cannot, you correctly state, call itself liberal. This is part of the multiple personality syndrome that Jews have brought with them from 2,000 in exile-just like the extra piece of baggage that new immigrants are allowed to bring when they come to Israel.
Occasionally Mr. Levy is correct:
In no other country are there streets without buses and tracks without trains on the Sabbath.
This is a tribute to the Jews living in Israel.
Finally Levy’s article reaches it’s hateful peak:
Just as with the tyranny of another minority, the settlers, who terrorize the majority, so it is with the tyranny of the ultra-Orthodox: The tyranny exists because the secular majority has chosen to obey it.
Yes Gideon-it is you-the branja-the minority of hateful European mixed multitudes who grinds against us every year like sandpaper. You will never admit that Tel Aviv University, the bastion of anti-Jewish sentiment in Israel, was built upon an Arab village. You forget, conveniently that secular Zionists from the beginning sought to displace Arabs living in Israel so that Jews could reclaim their ancient Homeland. Now when world sentiment is against you, the settlers are your scapegoat? You don’t blame the world for having mistreated the Jews for so long? You don’t blame the Arabs for having made the Western Wall into a trash heap before Jews reasserted control over the Old City (which is very much shared today, actually)? Only religious Jews who have consistently prayed for 2,000 years for their return to Zion are singled out? This is the sickness of the spiritual occupation which those of you in the fifth column advocate.
Thank G-d for the settlers. Thank G-d for the persistence of the minority. You write:
If the majority were to stand up and not surrender to the minority, buses would run every day and bread would be sold on Passover.
No, sir. The Nations stood up to the Jews and the Jews didn’t surrender. That is why we didn’t all become Christians (or Muslims). That is why you are able to live in this Land and attack us so comfortably from the artificial mound aptly called “Tel Aviv.”